![]() ![]() SORTED BY EPISODE SORTED BY TYPE SORTED BY LOCATION MAP An episode-by-episode list of 9th Season filming locations for Dexter: New Blood Episode 1 - "Cold Snap": 00:00: Dexter running through the snowy woods, stalking a white deer. 01:35: Dexter's cabin (next to a frozen lake). 02:25: Dexter ice fishing. 05:08: Dexter driving, pulled over by police. 08:17: Aerial view of the town of Iron Lake. 08:25: Dexter driving across the bridge. 08:41: Dexter driving down Iron Lake's Main Street, and parking. 09:02: Dexter walking down Main Street, greeting neighbors. 10:10: Dexter delivers cleaver to local butcher behind the market. 10:52: Dexter arrives at work, at Fred's Fish & Game. 15:32: Dexter visits the Iron Lake Police Department. 17:59: Dexter & Angela go to the Iron Lake Tavern. 20:04: Hitchhiker gets out at a Truck Stop / Diner. 24:22: Dexter running through the snowy woods again, stalking the white deer. 25:29: Back at Dexter's cabin (interior only / studio set). 26:06: Back at at Fred's Fish & Game (interior). 27:28: Protest outside the Iron Lake Tavern. 29:08: Back at at Fred's Fish & Game (interior). 29:43: Dexter burns Matt's body at an Incinerator. 35:45: Back at Dexter's cabin. 40:19: Ice fishing again (nightmare sequence). 41:22: Dexter In the snowy woods again, after the white deer. Encounter with Matt Caldwell. 45:57: Dexter's kill room, at his cabin (interior) . 52:36: Dexter drives back into town, at night. past the Christmas Festival. 52:54: Dexter meets Harrison at the bus station. (still looking for it) 54:46: Back at Dexter's cabin. Episode 2 - "Storm of Fuck": 01:07: Dexter's cabin. 07:39: Room where homeless girl is being held. (probably just a studio set.) 08:37: Dexter's cabin (and surrounding woods). 14:54: Room where homeless girl is being held. (probably just a studio set.) 15:50: Edward Olsen's mansion (exterior). 18:00: Edward Olsen's mansion (interior). 19:23: Snowy woods near Dexter's cabin. 20:50: Dexter plants Matt's glove near a highway. 29:36: Room where homeless girl is being held. (probably just a studio set.) 30:25: Gig the butcher gutting dead white stag, behind the Market. 32:50: Cabins at Roaring Forks summer camp. 34:13: Dexter's cabin (interioronly / studio set). 36:53: Cabins at Roaring Forks summer camp. (interior) 37:23: Dexter explores Clark Caves. 39:00: Room where homeless girl is being held. (probably just a studio set.) 40:30: Kurt Caldwell arrives on scene at Dexter's cabin Episode 3 - "Smoke Signals": 00:00: Dexter's cabin. 01:29: Iron Lake Police Department. (Interior only, probably a studio set) 06:22: Iron Lake High School. (interior) 07:13: Dexter's cabin. 12:05: Iron Lake High School. (interior) 12:50: Dexter's cabin (interior). 14:20: Kurt: Caldwell's home. (Interior only) 16:04: Dexter's cabin. 17:43: Dexter returns to the spot where he planted Matt's glove. 18:28: Room where homeless girl is being held. (probably just a studio set.) 19:27: Brief glimpse of shooter's house ( still looking for it ) 19:57: Back at the Dexter's Cabin. 22:53: Iron Lake High School. 24:11: Embalming room. (probably a studio set) 25:13: Miriam's house. ( still looking for it ) 26:18: Iron Lake High School cafeteria. 27:18: Iron Lake Police Department. (interior only, probably a studio set) 29:03: Fred's Fish & Game. 29:30: Iron Lake High School. (interior) 31:55: The market and Gig's butcher shop. 34:24: Audrey's car breaks down on the the road, with Harrison. 35:40: Dexter arrives at Clark Caves. 35:50: Audrey's car breaks down the road, Edward Olsen stops to help. 40:53: Dexter's cabin. 41:04: Angela's (& Audrey's) home. (interior only) 43:42: Burning the white deer's body. ( still looking for it ) 45:49:: Dexter burns Matt's body at an incinerator. 46:45: Dexter encounters a drunken Kurt Caldwell in front of the Iron Lake Tavern. Episode 4 - "H is for Hero": 01:07: Dexter's cabin. 05:03: The Iron Lake Police Department. 08:46: Caldwell's truck stop & diner. 11:17: Fred's Fish & Game. 12:00: Driving across the iron bridge. 12:10: Iron Lake High School. 15:36: Dexter's cabin. 19:57: Memorial Hospital. 22:12: Iron Lake Police Department. 23:47: Iron Lake High School. 27:09: Dexter's cabin. 32:03: Iron Lake Police Department. 37:58: Caldwell's truck stop & diner. 39:19: Iron Lake High School. 42:07: Caldwell's cabin. ( still looking for it ) 42:42: Dexter's cabin. Episode 5 - "Runaway": 01:14: Dexter's cabin (interior only, a studio set). 03:06: Kurt Caldwell's cabin. (interior only, probably a studio set) 04:22: The Iron Lake Police Department . 05:43: Dexter's cabin. 08:46: Angela's (& Audrey's) house. (interior only) 09:21: Harrison's Kill-List Party house. 10:02: The Iron Lake Tavern. (interior only) 12:56: Harrison's Kill-List Party house. 20:22: Memorial Hospital. 22:56: Kurt's cabin. (interior only) 23:44: Matt's hotel in New York ("Gramercy Suites"). 25:38: Dexter's cabin. 26:37: Veterinarian's barn. 28:05: Crystal Bar (confronting the pusher, Miles.) 32:25: Missing-persons conference at New York hotel. 32:07: The Iron Lake Police Department. 35:13: Harrison walking in Iron Lake (leaving home). 35:28: The Iron Lake Police Department . 35:56: Kurt's cabin. (interior only). 37:15: Missing-persons conference at New York hotel. (Angel Batista speaking) 38:18: Drug-maker Jasper Hodge's home. 41:12: Kurt's cabin. ( still looking for it ) 43:47: Angela talks with Angel Batista in hotel lobby bar. 46:18: Drug-maker Jasper Hodge's home. 48:31: Kurt Caldwell's truck stop and diner. 49:18: Drug-maker Jasper Hodge's home. 50:25: Matt's hotel in New York ("Gramercy Suites"). 51:05: Kurt Caldwell's truck stop and diner. 53:27: Angela's house. 54:53: Dexter's cabin. (interior only) Episode 6 - "Too Many Tuna Sandwiches": 01:07: Dexter's cabin. 04:51: Kurt Caldwell's embalming room. (Interior only - most likely just a studio set) 05:31: Angela pulls over Dexter again. on the road. 06:36: Iron Lake Police Department. 12:51: Kurt Caldwell's Truck Stop & Diner. 15:47: Fred's Fish & Game. 17:40: Iron Lake High School. 19:09: Therapist's office. 25:42: Iron Lake Police Department. 27:23: Dexter's cabin. 28:42: Iron Lake Tavern. 30:14: Angela's (and Audrey's) house. 35:24: Dexter's cabin. 36:46: Establishing shot of Iron Lake. ( Looking northeast across the Deerfield River, in Shelburne Falls, Mass., at east side of State Street and the iron bridge. ) 36:51: The Iron Lake Tavern. 40:18: Kurt's cabin. ( still trying to find it ) 44:54: Angela goes to Clark Caves. 46:09: Molly and Dexter driving over the Iron Bridge. 47:03: Dexter drops Molly off at the Iron Lake Tavern. 47:32: Angela at Clark Caves. 48:31: Wrestling match at Iron Lake High School. 49:15: Angela at the Old Iron Mine / Cave. 51:19: Wrestling match at Iron Lake High School. 53:44: Angela finds a body at Clark Caves. 34:19: Wrestling match at Iron Lake High School. Episode 7 - "Skin of Her Teeth": 01:16: Angela & Dexter at Clark Caves. 06:25: Miriam's house. ( still looking for it ) 06:40: Dexter's cabin. 09:43: Kurt's cabin / Lair. ( still looking for it ) 12:08: Iron Lake High School. 13:00: Caldwell's Truck Stop & Diner. 17:06: Iron Lake Police Station. 18:43: Caldwell's Truck Stop. 19:06: Iron Lake Police Station. 21:47: Caldwell's Truck Stop. 22:24: Dexter's cabin. 23:41: Miriam's house. ( still looking for it ) 24:50: Dexter turns Mrs. Gross's sheep loose 25:23: Iron Lake Police Station. 28:26: Incinerator. 28:27: Iron Lake Tavern. 28:45: Dexter's cabin. 29:44: Iron Lake Police Station. 32:13: Iris hitches a ride with a trucker. 36:14: Caldwell's diner. 38:06: inside Iron Lake Tavern. 41:21: outside Iron Lake Tavern. 41:43: Caldwell's diner. Episode 8 - "Unfair Game": 02:45: Dexter attacks Elrick while being kidnapped on the road, causing a crash. 04:31: Harrison watches Audrey with Christmas tree. 06:40: Iron Lake Police Department. 08:35: The Crystal Bar. 11:39: Iron Lake High School. 12:22: Hunted, Dexter comes across a stream In the woods. 13:15: Iron Lake High School. 14:21: Hunted, Dexter comes across a stream In the woods. 14:47: Iron Lake High School. 21:43: Roaring Forks Summer Camp. 22:21: Iron Lake Police Station. 23:41: Roaring Forks Summer Camp. 27:12: Autopsy room. ( most likely a studio set ) 28:00: Kurt's cabin / lair. ( still looking for it ) 38:40: Angela's house. Episode 9 - "The Family Business": 01:24: Mr. Wiggles Playland. 02:21: Dexter's cabin. ( Interior only, studio set ) 05:20: Mr. Wiggles Playland. It cuts back & forth between these two locations until 11:37. 11:37: Cabin at Roaring Forks summer camp.. 13:07: Angela & Audrey's house. 13:52: Dexter's cabin. ( interior only, studio set ) 19:32 Angela & Audrey's house. 25:29: Veterinarian's barn. 26:25: Flying drone near Kurt's cabin. ( still looking for it ) 30:36: Angela & Audrey's house. 31:42: Inside Kurt's cabin. ( most likely a studio set ) 32:08: Dexter's kill room. ( studio set ) 33:05: Angela & Audrey's house. 34:48: Dexter's cabin burning. 36:19: Kurt's cabin. ( still looking for it ) 38:44: Kurt's underground Lair. ( studio set ) 42:00: The Iron Lake Tavern. 43:36: Dexter's kill room. ( studio set ) 52:20: The incinerator. 53:31: The remains of Dexter's cabin. 55:09: Angela & Audrey's house. Episode 10 - "Sins of the Father": 00:26: Establishing aerial shot of Iron Lake. 01:45: Dexter's cabin. 07:53: Angela & Audrey's house. 11:25: Iron Lake Police station. (interior only, studio set) 20:34: Walking south on State Street past Gig's Market. 21:41: Harrison walking into the Iron Lake Tavern & Inn. 21:51: Iron Lake Police station. (interior only, studio set) 24:46: Angel Batista's room in Miami. (most likely just a studio set) 27:19: Iron Lake Police station. (interior only, studio set) 34:05: Angela & Audrey's house. 35:34: Iron Lake Police station. (interior only, studio set) (exterior seen at 38:38, as Dexter leaves.) 38:56: Kurt's cabin. ( still looking for it ) 39:48: Kurt's underground Lair. ( studio set ) 42:20: Iron Lake Police station. (interior only, studio set) 41:51: In the woods, where they found the white deer. 53:40: The final scene: Harrison drives out of town. [ the end ]
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