Dexter: New Blood – Filming Locations
the world's most comprehensive guide to locations where Dexter was shot

Matt's New York Hotel: Gramercy Suites

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Gramercy Suites, a luxury hotel.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A.  In New York City.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 5, of Season 9, "Runaway".

    Angela  and Molly travel to NYC to see if Matt Caldwell is really staying at a hotel there, which his credit card bills seem to indicate, and as his father, Kurt, claims.

    ( The audience knows that Dexter has already killed Matt, so his father must be lying, for some reason. )

    They go to Gramercy Suites, a luxury hotel in Manhattan and speak with the desk clerk. He tells them Matt just checked out.

    They ask to see the security camera footage of the lobby so they can see Matt checking out, but the clerk refuses.and

Angela successfully threatens to embarrass the hotel by bringing in the police, and the clerk eventually backs down.

But when they view  the surveillance video, they see that the man checking out, who is supposed to be Matt Caldwell, is an impostor.  And it becomes clear that Kurt was lying.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

A. A luxury hotel, only not in New York.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A.  This season of Dexter was filmed exclusively in the state of Massachusetts.  So, if they wanted to find a hotel to rival Manhattan's luxury suites, the logical place to go was Boston, the state's capitol and its largest city.

    In the real world, this is the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, at 138 St. James Ave, In Boston, Massachusetts.

    Opened in 1912, this four-star hotel sits at the corner of St. James & Dartmouth Streets, across  from (east of) Copley Square Park, In Boston's historic Back Bay.

The photos below were shot by Ron B.:

    Bear in mind that there are actually two different "New York" hotels visited by Angela and Molly during their trip to Manhattan in this episode. This, the Gramercy Suites, is a luxury hotel where the duo speaks with the desk clerk to see whether or not Matt Was at spaceactually checked into the hotel.

    The second hotel that they visit Isn't as posh, and Angela goes there to listen to Angel Batista give a lecture on police procedure during murder investigations in Miami.

    Even though both hotels are supposed to be in New York, they were actually filmed In two completely different cities. This hotel was in Boston. The other hotel is 40 miles to the west.

    They filmed here on May 10, 2021, and put up Christmas decorations inside the hotel (since the entire arc of New Blood takes place during the Christmas season).

    Here is a 360 degree Google panorama of the hotel's interior.

    You can find the hotel's website here.

      Here is a Google StreetView of the Hotel::

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. I got the tip for this one from DexterDaily, which reported the filming before it happened, beating out any of the local newspapers.

    And later, Ron B. visited the hotel and shot the photos you see above.

       The World's Most Comprehensive Guide To Locations Where Dexter Was Shot.

    Dexter: New Blood  screenshots from the show & all related characters & elements are trademarks of
    Showtime..  All other photos & text are Copyright © 2006-2021-Gary Wayne
    and may not be used without written permission.

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