Dexter: New Blood – Filming Locations
the world's most comprehensive guide to locations where Dexter was shot

Angel's New York Hotel

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A hotel.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A.  In New York City.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 5, of Season 9, "Runaway".

    Angela and Molly travel to New York City to attend a police conference on finding missing persons (and to check on whether Matt Caldwell actually stayed at a New York hotel).

    It's here that we see the two women attend the lecture, delivered by none other than Miami Metro's Angel Batista, as he speaks about "Finding Patterns in Seemingly Unrelated Cases", during which he mentions the Bay Harbor Butcher case.

    And it's here that Angela meets with Angel in the lobby, where he discusses the Trinity Killer case, and happens to mention the name Harrison, which alerts Angela to the possibility that Jim Lindsay and his son might not be who they seem to be.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

A. It's an actual hotel, but 175 miles from New York.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. There are two "New York" hotels shown in this episode.

    The first was the luxury hotel called "Gramercy Suites", where Angela and Molly spoke with the desk clerk to see if Matt Caldwell had actually stayed there.

    The second was this hotel, where the two women went so that Angela could attend a police conference on missing persons. It's here that they listened to Miami's's Angel Batista give a lecture on solving difficult cases, and it's here that Angela spoke with Angel afterwards, and was alerted to the fact that Jim Lindsay and his son, Harrison might not be who they seem to be.

    In real life, this is the AC Hotel by Marriott, at 125 Front Street, In Worcester, Massachusetts.

    Most of the scenes in this season were shot in small towns and rural areas on the west side of the state of Massachusetts. But since these "New York" scenes called for Angela to visit Manhattan, they obviously needed locations that could pass for New York City, and that meant heading east, towards the more populous cities of Massachusetts.

    For the first luxury hotel, they went to the state's capitol and largest city, Boston. But for this second hotel, they went to Massachusetts' second largest city, Worcester.

    Worcester (pronounced "Wuhst'-er" or "Woos'-tuh") is located near the center of the state, about 40 miles west of Boston, and over 50 miles southeast of Shelburne Falls (a.k.a. Iron Lake)

    You can find the hotel's official website here.

    They filmed here on May 11, 2021.

    The scene ( above ) where Angel give his lecture was filmed In the hotel's Wachusett Ballroom.
    You can see a matching photo of the ballroom here:

    And the scene of Angela talking with Angel in the lobby bar:
    was filmed, not surprisingly, in the hotel's lobby bar:
    (  It's hard to miss that fireplace. )

    This isn't the only location where they filmed in Worcester.

    They also shot at a residential home, which ended up as Jasper Hodge's house.

      Here is a Google StreetView of the hotel::

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. Dexter filming in Worcester generated a lot of local media coverage, including articles in,, and the Telegram & Gazette.  

    I had been following the local press since I first learned that Dexter was going to be filming in Massachusetts, so I had no problem adding this hotel to my list of locations to look for once the show aired. Then, it was just a matter of matching what I saw on TV with images of the hotel found on the Internet.

       The World's Most Comprehensive Guide To Locations Where Dexter Was Shot.

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    Showtime..  All other photos & text are Copyright © 2006-2022-Gary Wayne
    and may not be used without written permission.

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