daughter, Audrey, is out driving with Harrison when she suddenly has car trouble, and is stranded at the side of the road.
While she tries to fix it, she sends Harrison off to get a few parts she needs.
Another car arrives, and it
turns out to be none other than that of Edward Olsen, the local oil
billionaire whom Audrey had been protesting earlier outside the Iron Lake Tavern.
He offers to help, but she rebuffs him.
Before leaving, he comments on the hypocrisy of her driving a gas-guzzling car while protesting his oil drilling.
What is it actually in real life?
A. A stretch of real road, just not in New York
Where can I find it in real life?
A. In the real world, this scene was shot in Littleton, Massachusetts, on a stretch of Nagog Hill Road.
This location is about 10 miles northeast of Iron Lake High School, and about 9 miles southeast of New England Studios, the soundstages where they filmed the interiors for Dexter: New Blood.
While most of the scenes for this show were shot
in western and middle Massachusetts, so this location is further east than
most of the others, just 23 miles northwest of Boston. It's about
67 miles east of Shelburne Falls, for instance, the main town used for filming Iron Lake locations.
This matching photo (below) by Ron B., shows the exact spot
on Nagog Hill Road where Audrey's car broke down:
The GPS coordinates of the spot where Audrey breaks down on the road are:
That Google-maps to roughly 84 Nagog Hill Road, in Littleton, MA.
Audrey's car was headed north when it broke down, and was parked on the east side of the street.
As you can see in Ron's photo below, looking in the opposite direction
(west), Audrey's spot is right across the street from a green sign
reading "Nagog Hill Orchards: a Cooperative Conservation Project":
Here is a Google map with the location marked:
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
A. During my research
about filming in the area, back in early 2021, I came across a Littleton
city notice that they would be closing down Nagog Hill Road for
filming on Feb. 10. But although I knew Dexter was filming in
Massachusetts, I wasn't sure whether or not this particular shoot was Dexter or some other production.
But I made a note of to keep a lookout for matching scenes, once the show aired.
The notice mentioned that "The scene includes a motor vehicle
breakdown and passersby attempting to help."
So, nine months
later, when this scene of Audrey's car breaking down the road showed up in
Episode 3, it seemed likely that this was the street where they filmed the scene.
The only problem was proving it by finding the exact spot on Nagog Hill
Road (since they had closed down an almost mile-long stretch of that
street). And worse, there was no Google StreetView on Nagog Hill
Road, so It was impossible for me (out in Southern California) to
pinpoint it.
But thankfully, Ron B., my friend in
Massachusetts, drove there and captured an absolutely perfect matching
photo of the exact spot on the road (see above) where they had shot this scene with
Audrey's car. ( Thanks, Ron ! )