After Dexter's son, Harrison, almost dies from a drug overdose at a party, Dexter, seeks revenge.
First, he goes after a street dealer named Miles, who he finds at the Crystal Bar. But his attempt to kill him is spoiled when the local police arrive.
But after questioning
Miles, the police manage to get the name and address of the drug maker who provided the pills: Jasper Hodge.
Dexter surreptitiously reads the address and heads out to Jasper's house to kill him.
He almost makes it, and has Jasper strapped down on his table in an improvised kill room when
Logan and the police once again show up at thwart Dexter's plans.
As a SWAT team breaks down
the door, Dexter switches his methods, abandoning his usual
execution-by-knife in favor of forcing a large amount of white powder
down Jasper's nose.
When the police reach him, they find the drug pusher dead of an apparent overdose.
( This scene also has one
of Dexter's funniest lines in the new season: As he walks down a
hallway lined with gaudy red wallpaper decorated with huge roses, Dexter
thinks to himself: "I should kill this guy just because of t the
wallpaper." )
What is it actually in real life?
A. A residential house. just not in New York.
Q. Where can I find it in real life?
A. This house is actually located at 29 Colby Ave, In Worcester , Massachusetts.
The photo below was shot by Ron B.:
That's the same city where they filmed the scenes of that New York City hotel where Angela spoke with Angel Batista during a police conference.
They filmed here the week of May 14, 2021, and put
down lots of fake snow and Christmas decorations in the front yard,
since this entire season of Dexter takes place during the Christmas holidays.
[ But they made one blunder: the actual street number, 29, is
plainly visible on the front of the house, at the start, when Jasper
emerges from the front door. Yet the address that Dexter is given is "26
Pine Top Lane", not 29. Changing the name of the street is typical, but
they should have either given the street number as 29, or else changed
the number on the front of the house to 26 before they filmed. ]
Just before Dexter enters the house, we see him exit his truck, which is parked below an overpass:
That overpass
is Interstate-290 (what we in L.A. would call a freeway), as it
passes over Colby Avenue, just 60 yards northwest of the Jasper Hodge house.
Here is a Google StreetView of the house:
[ WARNING: this is a private home. Do not trespass on their property,
knock on their door, or do anything else to disturb the residents. ]
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
The local press made a big deal out of this particular shoot, in part
because the production company had transformed Colby Avenue into a
winter wonderland of sorts, with a ton of fake snow and Christmas
decorations. (See,and the Telegram and Gazette.)
As a result, the name of the street was identified long before the
episode ever aired, and the number was clearly visible on the front of
the house.
Later, Ron B. drove out Colby Avenue and shot the photo of the house that you see above.