Dexter Filming Locations: Ellen Wolf's home office

DEXTER Filming Locations - over a hundred actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.             

The location: Ellen Wolf's home office.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. The home and office of defense attorney Ellen Wolf.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. Ellen Wolf is a defense attorney who runs afoul of murderous district attorney Miguel Prado.

    He tries to talk Dexter into killing Ellen, claiming she is putting criminals back on the street. But Dexter - seeing that she is only doing her job - refuses. When she begins investigating Prado's own activities, Miguel decides to kill her by himself.

    This is Ellen's home office.

    We see the home several times.

    The first time (when we see only the interior) is when Maria LaGuerta comes to visit Ellen, in Episode 4 (of Season 3), "All in the Family".

    Maria brings evidence that the conviction of Chickie Hines (one of Prado's big victories) was invalid.

    Ellen is impressed that someone from the police department would help the defense.  They share cupcakes & scotch, and bond as new friends...

    We see the front door at the end of Episode 8, "The Damage a Man Can Do", when Miguel Prado unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep.

    And we see the exterior in Episode 9, "About Last Night", when Dexter shows up to investigate her disappearance.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A residential home.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This house can be found at 3934 Pacific Ave, in northwest Long Beach, CA.

    That's on the east side of Pacific, just north of Roosevelt Road.

    It's in the same general neighborhood used for several other third season "Dexter" locations: Miguel Prado's house, the home of Maria LaGuerta, the stash house, and the Angel Food Donuts stand on Long Beach Blvd.

    In the fourth season, the area saw even more shooting, including Trinity's Home, the pool party and the Neighborhood Watch scene.

    (A related location is the cemetery where Prado buried Ellen Wolf's body - and where Dexter dug her up.)

      Here is an aerial photo of the house. And here is a map link.  

    I shot the photo below in May 2010.

    [ Warning: This is a private home.  Do not trespass on their property, knock on their door,
    or do anything else that might disturb the residents.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A.  This was a tricky one.  They never showed the entire house, only the front door and porch. And, as it turns out, the producers had tricked up the front porch with a fish sign, wind chimes, roses on the columns, a new door, and other items that made it look different than it does in real life. With so little to go on, and not knowing where to start, I honestly didn't spend much time looking for it.

    In 2010, a fan, Geoff, emailed me saying he had found the house in Long Beach (based in part on the house seen across the street).

    I checked it out in person, and sure enough (as you can see from the photo I shot above) it was the right place. (Thanks, Geoff!)

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All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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