Paramount Television Tapings



Seeing Stars: Free Tickets to Studio Tapings

860 N. Gower Avenue, Hollywood, CA.
(818) 260-0041 or
(323) 956-1777

UPDATE: Paramount now distributes their tickets through Audiences Unlimited, rather than through their own studio box office.   You can reach Audiences Unlimited at (818) 260-0041, or via their website.  More info can be found here.  (Tickets are still free.)

Audiences Unlimited won't be able to provide you with tickets to most of the shows taped at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. For these, you'll have to go directly to the Paramount ticket office (their "Visitor's Center"), on the west side of the studio, or better yet, just phone them!

Paramount offers tickets to TV shows produced at Paramount Studios (and other studios). Over the years, productions have included "Cheers", "Frasier," "Moesha" (with Brandy), "Becker," "Dharma & Greg," "Sabrina the Teenage Witch," "Two Guys & A Girl" and others.

General admission tickets to most shows are available five working days in advance of the taping date (based on available seating). Not all shows are taping at any given time. Phone to find out what's being lensed this week. You can get the names of the shows taping this week along with their dates & times by calling (818) 260-0041 (where you can talk to a live representative).

Holding a general admission ticket to one of these shows does not guarantee admission. Tickets are distributed in excess of capacity, so you can have a ticket and still not be admitted (if you are too far back in the line).

Fortunately, Paramount offers reserved seating (by telephone) for their TV tapings. Paramount is the only studio to offer reservations.

At other studios, general admission is often only on a first-come-first-served basis. But here at Paramount you can reserve your free seats in advance by calling Paramount Guest Relations at (323) 956-1777 (between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. weekdays) five days in advance of the taping date of the show you want to attend. After you make a reservation, you must call back to confirm the reservation, between 9 AM and 11 AM on the actual day of taping. If you don't call to confirm on the morning of the show, you'll lose your seats.

But it they are out of reserved tickets when you first call, general admission tickets are often available. (To make reservations for groups of 15 or more, call (323) 956-4552.).

The times of the tapings vary widely, as early as 8:30 AM for some live talk shows; other shows are taped at 6 PM, and others at 3 PM. Phone ahead for exact dates and times.

(Paramount also produces a number of dramas, but those shows do not allow a studio audience.)

The Paramount box office is open Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 4 PM. All tickets are free. Cameras are prohibited. There are age limits to some shows. (Read your ticket!)

[See the separate page about the Paramount Studios Tour.]

[Also see the separate page about the history of Paramount Studios.]

 Getting there:  You'll do best to phone for your tickets.  The Paramount ticket booth is hidden away behind a small gate in the studio's long western wall facing Gower Street. You can find this ticket booth just to the north of a larger gate at 860 N. Gower Street, north of the stop light at Gower and Waring Avenue. This entrance is located between Willoughby Avenue (on the north) and Gregory Avenue (on the south). / From Hollywood & Vine, go south on Vine (about three quarters of a mile) to Santa Monica Boulevard. Turn left (east) on Santa Monica Boulevard and go two blocks to Gower Street. Turn right (south) on Gower to between Willoughby and Gregory Avenues. The studio wall and gate will be on your left (east) side. / Alternatively, if you are heading west on Melrose Avenue, turn left (north) at Gower Street (where you see the large blue & white globe of the earth atop the Paramount Pictures building), and head north to just past Gregory Avenue.

[For more information about Paramount Television tickets, you can access their official website at]

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