Dexter Filming Locations: Brother Sam's Funeral

DEXTER Filming Locations - hundreds of actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.

The location: Brother Sam's funeral

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A funeral, at a beach.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 8, of Season 6, "Sin of Omission".

    Dexter attends the funeral of Brother Sam, an ex-con who had turned to God, and had given some glimmer of hope to Dexter.

    Sam's ashes are scattered in the water, by one of his followers, as mourners recite the 23rd psalm.

    The young man leading the ceremony asks people to raise their hands if Brother Sam changed their lives.  Almost everyone does.  Dexter starts to tentatively raise his own hand, but hesitates.

    Afterward, the young man tells Dexter that Brother Sam wanted him to have his bible.  Dexter takes it, then sees that it is stained with the blood of Sam (who had it with him when he was shot).

    Dexter says that someone else, someone more religious, could probably make better use of it.  But the guy tells him that Brother Sam always said that the answer to any question was in there.

    He also asks Dexter if he has seen Nick, noting that he disappeared after Sam died.  Dexter suggests that maybe Nick just needed some time off, but he knows that he drowned Nick, on this same beach.

    Dexter wonders if Sam might have possibly changed him, noting that he didn't kill Jonah Mitchell when he had the chance, and that he seems to have passed a little light on to Travis.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A beach - but not in Miami.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. Dexter thinks to himself that he drowned Nick on this same beach.  And for once, they're telling the truth about a location.

This is indeed the same spot where they filmed not only Nick's drowning, but also Nick's initial beach baptism scene.

It's Bayshore Beach, a small sheltered beach on the east side of 54th Place, just north of E. Ocean Blvd, where the Long Beach peninsula joins the mainland - about a mile southeast of the Belmont Pier.

For one reason or another, locals refer to this beach as "Horny Corner".

The beach doesn't face the ocean. In fact, it faces the opposite direction.  The calm water you see is the Alamitos Bay, which runs between the peninsula and Naples Island, (which is what you see on the other side of the water).

The beach park includes a small cluster of sporting facilities, playground equipment for kids, and a co-op pre-school.

There's also a small snack stand called Alfredo's Kayak Cafe, where Dexter has have filmed a number of scenes over the years, including Dexter's first meeting with Rudy (ironic, considering his "reunion" with Rudy on this same beach), and Lundy dining with Debra.

    They've shot other scenes at Bayshore Beach as well (not involving the Cafe), including the scene where Lila bought roofies from a drug dealer was shot near the basketball courts. And the scene where Dexter planted evidence against Doakes was shot at the end of the adjacent pier.

    It's right across the street from the beach where they filmed both the Bimini scene, and the scene of Travis freeing Holly.
    And it's just a short walk northwest of Deb's new beach house.

    I shot the photos below in 2011.  The camera is looking from the beach, across the bay to Naples Island.

    Below, we're looking the other direction, with the Kayak café on the left, and the handball courts on the right.

    And this is looking farther to the left/west side of the quiet bay, towards the curving Bayshore Avenue.

    Here is an aerial photo of the beach. Here is a Google StreetView.
    And here is a map link.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. Dexter has filmed at this small beach so many times in the past (beginning back in the first season), that I'd recognize its features anywhere: The homes on Naples Island visible across the channel, the handball courts visible in the background, the small dock... I've been there and shot photos on several different occasions.

    But, I also had the help of Elaine, of Long Beach, who drove by when they were
    filming this scene, and sent me this shot from her Touch 4G:

    Blow that up a bit, and you can see Michael C. Hall, in the aqua shirt, and one of the funeral wreaths.

    (Thanks, Elaine!)

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    All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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