location: Queen's Wharf Restaurant |
That's in an ugly, industrial part of town, down at the cargo docks, west of downtown L.B., on the other side of the Los Angeles River.. They used it because they did a lot of filming down around these docks this season, including the scene on the cargo ship, the Fearless, in this same episode, plus the deserted boathouse, Estrada's prison, Estrada's kill-room, and the flashback of Doakes on a dock. They've been in this general neck of the woods before, for scenes such as the Coral Cove Marina, the Chowder Barge, and Prado's dockside cafe.But those locations were about a mile to the northwest, in Wilmington. This location is just west of the Long Beach (710) Freeway, and about 1,000 feet north of Ocean Blvd. It sits next to "Berth 55 Seaside Deli" and a sportsfishing place. (They used the Deli for a another scene later this year.) That's about all you'll find out here, in terms of retail - everything else is hardcore industrial sprawl. It was the only place for nearby dock workers to grab a bite to eat. But it may not be there by the time you read this... In 2012, the Port of Long Beach decided to tear the down the 40-year-old restaurant, along with the Deli next door, to make room for a new port fireboat station. Here is an aerial
photo of the location. Here is a Google StreetView. And here is a map link. And here is a rare inside view, via Google. Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was? A. This may be the easiest location in the history of the show. The scene opens with the giant letters on the front of the restaurant reading "Queen's Wharf" -- and a simple Google maps look-up gives you this streetview confirming the same sign.
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