Be warned that, due to the gruesome nature of the show, some of the photos
from "Dexter" on this site may be disturbing. ] An episode-by-episode list of 4th Season filming locations for Dexter :
Episode 1 - "Living The Dream":
05:39: Dexter & Rita's new house. 05:52: Home of first female victim of the Trinity Killer. (Lisa Bell, bathtub) 10:16: Dexter & Rita's new house. (First good exterior view of house and neighborhood) 12:27: Establishing shot . Probably Miami. 14:32: Police Station. 17:03: Home of first female victim of the Trinity Killer. (interior) 17:56: Home of first female victim of the Trinity Killer (exterior shown) 18:53: Establishing shot of Miami (gliding over water to city). 18:57: Police Station, interior. 23:10: Driving around Miami footage. Re-use of hooker corner from first season at 24:06. 24:06: Tito's Bar. (Stalking Benito Gomez at night) 28:05: Driving around Miami footage. 28:13: Back inside Home of first female victim of the Trinity Killer. 30:41: Establishing shot of Miami (flyover). 30:45: Debra at home of one of her father's possible lovers. 34:20: Dexter's Apartment. (interior only). 35:15: Interior of old, empty boxing gym. 36:34: Outside Tito's Bar. Dexter asleep in car, caught by cop. 38:23: Close night shot of Dexter & Rita's new home. 41:14: Police Station: Marina Del Rey Shot. 41:17: Police Station - Studio Lot exterior, with catering truck. * 48:12: Triple Palms Trailer Park. ?? 48:42: Interior of old, empty gym again. 51:58: Sleepy night driving with hallucinations of Harry. 52:05: Dexter's Car Accident.
07:55: Dexter & Rita's new house. (mostly interior, with a glimpse outside) 08:50: LaGuerta's house. (interior only, set) 09:35: Dexter arrives at police parking lot in taxi (studio lot) - view outside gates. 11:30: Trinity Killer stalking woman on brick patio. 12:07: Auto tow yard. 15:08: Back at roll-over scene of Dexter's Car Accident. 17:32: "Reef Hotel" (body found - "Vacation Murders" crime scene) 19:34: Police Station. 21:48: Trinity Killer stalking woman & kids. 22:29: Reef hotel again. 27:21: Trinity Killer stalking: watching woman & kids at pet shop. 27:54: Big empty Gym (seen in last episode). 29:22: "First Care Pharmacy". 30:41: Auto tow yard again. 31:09: Police stati 37:30: Police station interior ag 43:26: Gym again 43:58: Trinity walking dog at night, stalking woman. 47:22:
home. (interior only) Episode 3 - "Blinded By The Light":
07:22: L.A. Harbor establishing shot. 07:29: Warehouse (Trinity Killer forces woman to jump to her death.) 11:04: Dexter & Rita's new house. (view across street) 12:08: Anton's yellow apartment house - establishing shot. 13:02: Rita singing in car. 13:41: Police Station. 15:41: Establishing shot - Miami. 15:45: Jumper Warehouse. 18:21: Dexter's house & street. (night, with Masuka) 25:55: Police Station. 27:20: Apartment house where Angel & LaGuerta get shot at by couple. 28:44: Neighborhood Watch patrol chase scenes. 30:23: Dexter & Rita's new house. 31:06: Jumper warehouse. 39:38: Dexter & Rita's new house. (with Deb). 44:44: Lundy's Hotel. 46:36:
Vandal's house. Episode 4 - "Dex Takes a Holiday":
05:24: Shooting range (Zoe Kruger, female cop) (may be just a set) 08:06: Establishing shot of Miami. 08:08: Police Station (interior) * 10:11: Library (interior). Photos... (may be just a set) ?? 13:00: Dexter's apartment. (original Miami shot) 14:50: Anton & Deb's apartment. (interior) 16:00: Establishing shot of Miami. 16:04: Zoey Kruger's house. 16:27: Establishing shot - night - harbor * 16:29: Alley outside of Canteen where Trinity gets himself beat up (may be just a set) 18:05: Zoey Kruger's house again (Open House), plus interior. * 22:43: Cafe (Deb & Lundy) Outside view at 25:20. ?? 00:00: Police Station (interior) 29:23: Lundy in outdoor Oceangate plaza, where he encounters Trinity. 31:26: Establishing shot of Miami. 31:31: Dex driving. (He's heading west on Beverly Blvd, and makes a right turn on June Street, near Hancock Park.) 32:22: Dexter pulled over by cop Zoe Kruger. 35:58: Police Station. 39:03: Establishing shot of Miami. 39:04: Dex driving again. 39:13: Gas Station (where cop Zoe confronts Dexter in restroom). 42:28: Lundy's Hotel. 42:55: Dexter & Rita's new house (night). 50:55:
Lundy's Hotel. (shooting) Episode 5 - "Dirty Harry":
08:42: Breakfast café with Trinity. 09:29: Dexter & Rita's new house. 10:00: Hospital (interior only) 15:26: Police Station (marina). 17:23: Dexter's original apartment. (stock footage) 19:48: Hardware Store. (where Trinity buys hammer) 20:50: Establishing shot of Miami. 21:01: Street corner where Nikki spots newspaper headline. 21:25: Oceangate plaza again. 23:42: Dexter & Rita's new house. 27:58: Lundy's Oceangate plaza again. (interior) 32:49: Establishing shot of Miami. Colony Hotel again. 32:54: Dead perp. (Johnny Rose. shot by girlfriend, Nikki.) Interior only. Set. 33:13: Alley. Female perp with gun. (Nikki Wald) 34:19: Dexter & Rita's new house. (interior) 36:03: Establishing shot of Miami. 36:06: Dexter driving. (He's heading east on Wardlow Road, just east of Cherry Ave, in Long beach. The red-roofed hamburger joint he passes is Fantastic Burgers, at 3400 Cherry Ave.) 36:39: Lundy's Hotel again. 42:28: Oceangate Plaza again. (Trinity killing male victim with hammer.) 46:36: Dexter driving, following Trinity after killing. (This was shot in Skid Row, in downtown L.A. The cars are travelling west down the 300 & 400 blocks of E. 5th Street, just east of Wall Street. He turns right onto Wall Street. The tall white iron gates seen on the right side as they make the right turn is the Los Angeles Mission.) 47:12: Trinity's house ('Arthur Mitchell')
Episode 6 - "If I Had A Hammer":
03:59: Trinity's house. 04:13: Trinity's School. 04:31: Dexter & Rita's new house. (twilight) + 6:00 (daylight) 07:19: 100 Oceangate plaza again. (crime scene) 09:14: Police Station. (interior) 11:20: Marriage therapist office. Interior only. (Probably just a studio set.) 13:43: Police Station. (interior) 16:45: Dexter & Rita's new house. (interior) 17:07: Trinity's Church. "Sacred Fellowship". (interior only) 19:05: Quinn's Apartment House. 21:23: Police Station. (interior) 23:03: Home construction site (church "build" project, Dex & Trinity) 26:02: Jail cells. Debra. (set) 28:38: Establishing shot of Miami. 28:41: Police Station. (interior) 29:15: Dexter & Rita's new house. (night) 31:05: LaGuerta's house. (interior only) 33:11: Establishing shot of Miami. 33:14: Police Station. (interior) 38:16: Dexter's old apartment. Interior only. 40:26: Home construction site again. 40:43: Trinity's house. 51:28:
& Rita's new house. (interior) Episode 7- "Slack Tide":
04:22: "Alligator Alley". (arm of Estrella Carazo found inside gator) 05:30: Dexter & Rita's new house. (night) 06:51: Graham Paint & Hardware. (Trinity shopping, Dex helping) 09:05: Police Station (marina repeat shot, followed by studio lot). 15:28: Dexter's old apartment (Deb & Quinn - Deb's moving in.) 20:06: Clearing in the woods. (Trinity & Dexter cut down a tree.) 23:37: Road in the woods. (Trinity & Dexter kill a deer.) 25:14: Police station . (interior) 26:48: Jonathan Farrow's photography studio/home. 29:27: Trinity sanding down wood and building a coffin. (Interior only - set) + 38:02 & 49:08 33:10: Dexter & Rita's new house. 35:21: Jonathan Farrow's party place. (Quinn follows Dexter.) 38:17: Establishing shot of Miami. 38:52: Boating with kids. 39:10: Police station . (interior) 39:41: Dex camping with kids. 40:29: Grassy field/big lawn near campground. 40:53: Camping again (talking to Deb on phone). 43:08: Camping again (at night - scary stories). 45:56: Dex returning to boat dock. (at night). 46:28: Jonathan Farrow's photography studio/home. (where Dexter kills him) 50:05: Grassy field/big lawn again. 50:24:
Police station. (interior) Episode 8 - "Road Kill":
04:38: Police station - interior 08:21: Trinity's home garage/workshop (interior only) 09:03: Trinity's home. 11:08: establishing shot - Miami. 11:12: Police station - interior 14:15: Dexter's backyard shed (interior only) 14:45: Trinity's home garage/workshop (interior only) 15:38: Trinity's school. 17:29: Police station - interior 19:36: Establishing shot - Miami bridge. 19:38: Dexter driving with Trinity on way to Tampa. 21:10: Pit Stop on the way to Tampa. 23:20: Hotel in Tampa. (Trinity & Dexter) 25:40: Police station - interior 27:29: Quinn's place (interior only) 29:00: Hotel in Tampa (Dexter & Trinity). 29:49: Police station - interior 31:51: Dexter & Rita's new house. 32:26: Trinity's childhood house. 36:08: Establishing shot - Miami 36:10: Police station. - (catering truck) 37:44: Hotel Coffee shop. 38:12: Hotel Lobby. Weather convention. 39:07: Dexter & Rita's new house (Elliott & Rita) 40:48: Establishing shot - Miami 40:49: Police station. 40:59: Women's restroom at Police station. 44:07: Motel Room. (also at 46:21) 45:02: Dexter & Rita's new house (Elliott & Rita) 47:24: Hotel in Tampa (again). (Dexter running after Trinity) 47:44: "Four Walls build" construction site. (Where Trinity attempts to kill himself) 50:06: Establishing shot - Miami 50:08: Police station - interior 51:23: Dex driving with Trinity. 53:48:
DNA checkpoint/roadblock. Episode 9 - "Hungry Man":
03:45: Trinity's Home. 04:49: Trinity's son trashing dad's car. 06:55: Police Station. (interior) 10:02: Dexter & Rita's home. (at twilight) 11:50: Police Station. (interior) 12:48: Reporter Christine Hill's apartment., with Quinn. (interior only.) 14:00: Trinity's Home. 14:31: Dexter & Rita's home. 15:42: Police Station. (Marina, then interior) 18:28: Trinity's Home. (front door, then interior) 19:04: Dexter & Rita's home. (interior) 20:49: Trinity's Home. (interior) 21:51: Establishing shot of Miami. 21:53: Hospital. (interior only, most likely just a studio set.) 23:44: Trinity's Home. (interior, exterior at 25:59) 27:18: Dexter & Rita's home. (interior) 28:21: Christine Hill's apartment., with Quinn. (interior only.) 29:23: Trinity's Home. (interior, exterior at 30:20 & 31:55) 34:04: Dexter & Rita's home. (interior, phone call) 34:58: Trinity's Home. (interior) 35:33: Angel & LaGuerta at the beach. (saying "I love you") 37:46: Elliott's house. (interior, but a very brief glimpse of the exterior at 39:02, when Masuka sees them kiss) 39:15: Dexter & Rita's home. (interior) 40:08: Trinity's Home. (interior) 44:15: Dexter driving. 44:57: Dexter & Rita's home. (back yard shed at 45:46) 47:40: Christine Hill's apartment., with Quinn. (interior only) 48:09: Dexter & Rita's home. (interior) 49:25:
Christine Hill's apartment., with
Quinn. (interior only) Episode 10 - "Lost Boys":
04:20: Dexter's storage yard. 05:00: Driving, following Trinity. (He's driving north on Gower, at corner of Carlos Ave. Map.) 05:10: Trinity's Church. (brief exterior while driving) 05:24: Parking garage. 06:08: Arcade. (kidnapping) 08:15: Outside arcade, then parking garage again. 10:03: Trinity's house. 11:57: Room/bomb shelter, where Trinity's holding boy (Scott). Interior only. 13:07: Dex & Rita's house. (interior) 15:42: Marina police station. (then interior) 19:47: Room/bomb shelter, where Trinity's holding boy (Scott). Interior only. 20:53: Mr. Smith's house. (Dex goes to home of missing boy) 22:12: Driving with Harry. (These short scenes were shot just south of the studio. They are first seen heading heading north on Lodi Place, just north of Lexington Avenue. Map. Next, they are seen heading south on Gower Street, in Hollywood, then make a right turn onto Lexington. Map.) 22:41: Police station. (interior only) 26:17: New home build site. ("Four Walls, One Heart"). 27:48: Cody's elementary school. (Cody fights another boy.) 28:28: Trinity loading trunk with cement. "Hardware Contracting Supply". 28:44: Christine driving and talking on phone to Trinity. 29:41: Room/bomb shelter, where Trinity's holding boy (Scott). Interior only. 31:26: Dex looking in window at night (sees nude woman). 31:44: Dex & Rita's house. (interior only) 32:00: Dex in empty house. (basement of same house as the nude woman shot) 33:01: Dex & Rita's house. (exterior) 34:23: Deb & Angel talking (interior) 35:39: Dex & Rita's house. (bathing baby in bathroom) 36:06: Quinn's apartment, arguing with Deb (interior only) 37:29: Foreclosed house. (Same house as Mario's, the Skinner's tree-trimming assistant, from Season 3.) 37:54: Quinn's apartment house. 39:22: Christine driving again. (She's driving northeast on San Antonio Drive, in Long Beach, and stops at corner of San Antonio & Chestnut. Camera facing northwest. Map.) 39:49: Room/bomb shelter, where Trinity's holding boy (Scott). Interior only. 43:19: Police station. (interior only.) 45:30: Dex in Empty House, with bomb shelter in back yard. 46:59: Parking garage. (Trinity & daughter, Christine) 51:33: New home build (burying kidnapped boy in cement) 53:16: Christine Hill's apartment, with Quinn. (cops arrive 53:56:
Dex & Rita's house.
(exterior at twilight) Episode 11 - "Hello, Dexter Morgan":
05:29: Trinity's Hotel Room. (interior only, probably just a set) 07:30: Police station. (interior only.) 10:49: Dexter's storage yard. 11:41: Trinity breaking into Kyle Butler's house. 12:20: Establishing shot: Miami. 12:22: Family counselor waiting room. (interior only, probably just a set) 13:25: Kyle Butler house again (crime scene) 14:33: Christine Hill's apartment. (exterior) 14:36: Christine Hill's apartment., with Quinn. (interior) 15:22: another real Kyle Butler's apartment. 17:09: Police station. (interior only.) 19:27: Trucker Stan Beaudry's shack. 21:57: Trinity's Hotel Room. (interior only, probably just a set) 22:00: Christine Hill's apartment. (exterior, then interior) 22:23: Establishing shot: Miami. 22:25: Trinity's house. (Dexter inside, searching it) 23:32: Police station. (interior only.) 27:28: Establishing shot: Miami Highway. 27:31: Dexter driving. 28:04: "Johnny's Jet Skis". (Trinity phones Dexter) 28:47: Big Phil's Truck Stop. (Dexter kills Stan Beaudry) 30:30: Christine Hill's apartment. (interior) 30:52: Trinity driving. (talking to Christine) 31:17: Trucker Stan Beaudry's shack again. (night) 32:02: Dexter's house. 32:02: Elliott's house, then Dexter's. (Dexter punches Elliott) 34:00: Establishing shot: Miami. 34:03: Police station. (interior only.) 35:43: Trucker Stan Beaudry's shack. (daylight) Also at 38:24. 36:54: Trinity's Hotel Room. (interior only, set) 38:54: Arcade again. (Trinity phoning Dexter) 39:35: Christine Hill's apartment. (exterior shot, then interior) 43:00: Arcade again. (Dexter can't find Trinity there, Trinity follows him) 44:05: Driving. (Trinity follows Dexter) 44:12:
Police station. (lot, then interior) Episode 12 - "The Getaway":
06:30: Police station parking lot. 07:15: Driving in pursuit of Trinity. 08:21: Stafford Bank parking garage. (Dexter catches Trinity - then gets arrested) 09:22: Police Station. 11:03: Stafford Bank parking garage again. 13:34: Establishing shot of Miami. 13:59:
Dexter's Forgotten Home. 14:45: Establishing shot of Miami. 14:47: Jail. (Most likely a studio set) 16:16: Police station. (interior only) 17:40: Dexter's original apartment. 18:05: Jail again. 18:43: Driving with Debra. 19:43: Stafford Bank parking garage again (with Rita). 20:18: Trinity's Home. 21:48: Establishing shot of Miami. 21:54: Police station. (interior only) 24:07: Trinity's garage office (probably a set, possibly the home) 24:25: Dexter & Rita's home. 26:40: Police station. (interior only) 28:05: "Four Walls" home build. (exhuming buried child) 29:22: Trinity breaking into Dexter/Deb's apartment. 30:03: Dexter & Rita's home. 31:07: Trinity's Home. (police break down the door) 38:28: Julio's Auto Body. (Trinity picking up newly painted Mustang) 38:52: Trinity driving Mustang. 39:36: Police station. (interior only) 41:02: Trinity's car breaks down on foggy road. (He's captured by Dexter) 41:54: Killing room. (studio set) 46:05: Dexter out on boat. 47:13: Dexter & Rita's home.