Burrell has just declared war on vampires, and is in the process of
closing down all vampire-run businesses, outfitting the national guard
with special anti-vampire weapons, and encouraging citizens to engage
in acts of violence against vampires.
In this scene, Eric goes to the mansion, glamours and impersonates a nerdy bureaucrat, and gains entrance into the heavily-guarded mansion.
speaks with the Governor in his office, and after some gamesmanship,
Eric attempts to glamour him into calling off his war against vampires.
Eric is shocked when it doesn't work, and the Governor calls in the
troops to take Eric prisoner.
Burrell tells Eric that they have
invented contact lenses that prevent glamouring.
As Eric is being led to a truck by the armed guards, he escapes by flying away.
Eric returns, floating outside the bedroom window of the Governor's
daughter - who has removed her contact lenses for the night. He
glamours her into inviting him inside.