In August of 1996, this spot on the Sunset Strip opened as Billboard Live, with a spectacular celebrity- studded block party featuring Tony Bennett, the Gin Blossoms and emcee Jenny McCarthy. The 12,000 square-foot, three-level club booked name acts such as early on included: James Brown, the Ramones, The Monkees, the Tubes, the almighty Ultrasound, Dick Dale, Dwight Yokum, Bow Wow Wow, Magic Johnson's 37th birthday party, Rupaul, Little Richard and lots of alternative stuff. The $9 million club was high-tech to the max, and attracted lots of celebs in its prime. /Prince dropped by for a visit, and in October of '97, they hosted the after party for the premiere of "Boogie Nights," which drew stars Burt Reynolds, Mark Wahlberg and Julianna Moore to the club. Pauley Shore liked to hang out there on Fridays. Even President Bill Clinton showed up for one special event (on June 23, 1997). But by 1998, Billboard had undergone a name change, and the club became "The Key Club." Located across the street from the House of Blues, this spot has a lot of music history behind it. It was the former site of the legendary rock club Gazzarri's, the place that gave us the Doors, the Byrds and Buffalo Springfield back in the 1960s, and Van Halen a few years later (before being felled by the Northridge earthquake). But the music continues at the Key Club, with nightly
shows (and dinner), DJ's, and dancing. However, on July 13, 2000, Keanu Reeves brought his band Dogstar to the Key Club, and women lined up in droves on Sunset Blvd waiting to get in. And on Dec. 11, 2000, Ricky Martin popped in for a special show to promote his new CD. Cover varies. Tickets to the concerts range from
$15 to $30. There's a $20 charge to get in the VIP ("Plush")
room (when room is available). Over 21.
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