Movie Premiere Press Release - Vertical Limit


Seeing Stars: Movie Premieres


    Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment


Real Time Webcast from Vertical Limit World Premiere
Lets Fans be Social Climbers from Home

WHO: Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment celebrate the World Premiere of Vertical Limit (PG-13) with an exclusive live Webcast on Sunday, December 3rd from the Cineplex Odeon Century Plaza Cinema along the Avenue of the Stars in Century City, California. An avalanche of star-packed action begins at 6:00 p.m./PST at the Official Vertical Limit site at The streaming Webcast can be seen with Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player (

WHAT: Mount the red carpet in real time to check out a blizzard of celebrities and Vertical Limit cast members such as Chris O’Donnell, Bill Paxton, Robin Tunney, Scott Glenn, Nicholas Lea, Izabella Scorupco, Temuera Morrison, Ben Mendelsohn and Alexander Siddig, right from the comfort of home. Additional star guests slated to attend include Hank Azaria, Vincent D’Onofrio, Catherine Keener, Matthew McConaughey, Freddie Prinze, Jr and others. To further "peak" fan interest, another window will pop-up periodically throughout the Webcast, featuring cool "factoids" about the movie production, K2 trivia and much more.

ABOUT THE FILM: The world’s most feared mountain, K2, is the only thing standing between a brother (O’Donnell) and a sister (Tunney) shattered by a split second decision. In a race against time, he must now launch an extraordinary rescue to find her trapped inside an icy grave. Vertical Limit, featuring the first 35mm footage of K2 ever seen in a major motion picture, is directed by Martin Campbell from an original screenplay by Robert King and Terry Hayes. The story is by Robert King. Producers are Lloyd Phillips, Robert King and Martin Campbell, with Marcia Nasatir as Executive producer. Vertical Limit blasts into theatres nationwide on December 8th with an explosive story of endurance, courage and love.

WHEN: Log on Sunday, December 3, 2000 at 6:00 p.m./PST to see the star cast and other celebrities as they ascend the red carpet.

WHERE: View the Webcast at with streaming video from Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player, then catch Vertical Limit in theaters on December 8th.

CONTACT: Lisa DeLucia
Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment

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