Movie Premiere Press Release - Kangaroo Jack


Seeing Stars: Movie Premiere


ADVISORY/The U.S. Premiere of ``KANGAROO JACK,''
Saturday, January 11, 2003

Tuesday January 7, 6:08 pm ET
WHAT:   The U.S. Premiere of "Kangaroo Jack." Castle Rock
        Entertainment presents a Jerry Bruckheimer production, the
        action adventure comedy, "Kangaroo Jack," starring JERRY
        DAVID MCNALLY, the film also stars MICHAEL SHANNON,
        CHRISTOPHER WALKEN and BILL HUNTER. The film is produced by
        JERRY BRUCKHEIMER from a screenplay by STEVE BING and SCOTT
        ROSENBERG and story by STEVE BING and BARRY O'BRIEN.

WHEN:   Saturday, January 11
        Crew Arrivals:  2:15 PM
        Celebrity Arrivals: 3:15 PM
        Screening: 4:00 PM

WHERE:  Grauman's Chinese Theatre
        6925 Hollywood Blvd.
        Hollywood, CA 90028

                Your coverage of this event is invited.

            Press Credentials will be issued at the event.

 "Kangaroo Jack" has been rated "PG" by the MPAA for "language, crude
                   humor, sensuality and violence."

  / AOL Keyword: Kangaroo Jack

            "Kangaroo Jack" opens on Friday, January 17th.


     Warner Bros. Pictures, Burbank
     Broadcast: Brooke Ensign, 818/954-6705
     Print: Jeff Hare, 818/954-6292
     Photo: Michael Taylor, 818/954-6585
     Online: Brenda Falitz, 818/954-6676
     International: Johnny Jones, 818/954-1268


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