Movie Premiere Press Release - Angel Eyes


Seeing Stars: Movie Premieres


Friday May 11, 1:49 pm Eastern Time

Press Release

ADVISORY/``ANGEL EYES'' Premiere, Tuesday, May 15

WHAT:           The premiere of "ANGEL EYES," a Franchise Pictures and
                Canton Co. production presented by Morgan Creek

                From the film: JENNIFER LOPEZ, JIM CAVIEZEL, TERRENCE
                HOWARD and JEREMY SISTO; and the film's producer,
                MARK CANTON

                Celebrity guests: JAMES L. BROOKS, ERIQ LA SALLE,
                SARAH PAULSON and TONY SCOTT

WHEN:           Tuesday, May 15, 2001
                 Crew Call -- 6 p.m.
                 Arrivals -- 6:45 p.m.
                 Screening -- 7 p.m.

WHERE:          The Egyptian Theatre
                6712 Hollywood Blvd.

EDITORS:        Your coverage of this event is invited.
                Media credentials must be picked up outside the
                theater after 5 p.m. on the day of event. There will
                be no exceptions.

                "ANGEL EYES" opens in theaters nationwide, May 18.

                "ANGEL EYES" is rated R by the MPAA for "Language,
                violence, and a scene of sexuality."
                AOL Keyword: Angel Eyes


Warner Bros. Pictures
Dennise Stires, 818/954-6277 (Broadcast)
Larry Anreder, 818/954-6626 (Print)
Michael Taylor, 818/954-6585 (Photo)
Brenda Falitz, 818/954-6676 (Online)
Tricia Lewis, 818/954-6557 (International)

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