Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Filming Locations

The actual Southern California locations
where "
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
" is filmed.

OK, the most familiar location in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is "Home Base",
the baseball/-themed sports park where Josh's friend, Greg, works at the bar.

At first glance, this looks like either something the studio created, or perhaps
a city park that the producers dressed up to look like some unique venue.

But surprise: it's real!

Oh, the name isn't really "Home Base", but it is indeed a unique
baseball-themed sports facility, and better yet, it's actually in West Covina!

.  In real life, it's called "Big League Dreams", and you'll find it.
at 2100 S. Azusa Ave., in West Covina, CA.

Here is a Google StreetView of the place.

(The star of the show, Rachel Bloom, was nice enough
to mention the actual location during an interview...
So I didn't even have to track this one down.)

Big League Dreams is made up mostly of replica ballparks.
Here you'll find six near-identical, scaled-down versions of famous fields
like Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium,  Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park
etc. where kids can play like pros under the lights.

Besides the replica baseball fields, it also includes batting cages,
playgrounds, even an indoor soccer pavilion - as well as a restaurant
called the Stadium Club, which is where Greg works.

In real life, it appears to be a fast food place, with no bar.

( Of course, by now, they have almost certainly built a replica
of the Stadium Club's interior at the studio, so they don't have
to go back there all the time - that's the way Hollywood works.)

If you're unfamiliar with West Covina, you might think it sounds like
you'd find it in the San Fernando Valley.  But you won't.
It's actually about 20 miles east of downtown L.A.,
and about 7 miles southwest of Pomona.

And anyone who's watched the show from the beginning can't forget that
big opening musical number, "West Covina!", where Rachel leaves
New York and first arrives in her new Southern California town.

Her big "West Covina" song number was performed in an outdoor quad
 in an outdoor shopping mall / entertainment center known as
 "The Lakes at West Covina"
at 1200 Lakes Drive, in West Covina.

(That's just south of the 10 Freeway, off Vincent Avenue.)

The fountain seen above is in front of the Edwards Cinemas there.

( Here's a Google StreetView of that quad.)

That musical number actually starts out with her singing on a street in New York.

Of course, it's not really New York.

They shot that scene downtown Los Angeles,
at the corner of Flower & Wilshire.

(In the screencap above, the camera is looking south, as she  runs
north  up the east side of Flower, near 612 S. Flower Street.)

Here's a Google StreetView of that corner.

So, what about the law office where she works?

It's called "Whitefeather & Associates", and the exterior you see above
is actually to be found right next to (just north of) that fountain quad
 where she performed "West Covina!"

It's one of two identical office buildings in that same The Lakes center.
It appears to be the East Building, at 1050 Lakes Drive, and this
view seems to have been shot looking south/southwest.

Here is a Google StreetView of those buildings.

(In fact, if you spin this view around, you'll see that West Covina quad.)

So, what about the townhouse where she lives?

They don't show her townhouse very often, but we do glimpse it
 in the first (pilot) episode, when Greg picks her up for a date.

Because there's no StreetView available in this gated community,
I can't be 100% certain, but I'm 99% sure that it's the townhouse / condo
at 1496 McCabe Way, in the Solana Park neighborhood of West Covina.

[ This is a private home. Do not trespass on their property, knock on their door,
or do anything else that might disturb the residents
. ]

Here is a Google StreetView of the
gated entrance to that neighborhood.

Here is a map showing all of the locations.

You'll note that all of these locations are actually in West Covina!

I applaud the authenticity - it's a rare thing in Hollywood.

Update: In the season finale of Season 2, Rebecca and Josh are finally
going to get married, at a wedding site overlooking the ocean.

That wedding scene was shot at a familiar location that I've tracked down before.

It's the same Malibu mansion where the 2009 movie
"I Love You Man" staged their big wedding scene at the end.

And it's the same large estate that "Agents of SHIELD"
used as a villain's lair in the island nation of Malta.

Known as "La Villa Contenta", the  13-bedroom mansion was recently on sale for $54 million.
If you just want to rent it, that will set you back a cool $350,000 per month.
Beyonce and Jay Z rented it for the summer of 2017.  Rianna rented it while making an album.

You will find it at 26880 Pacific Coast Highway, in Malibu, CA.

And that short scene where Josh goes to a seminary to try to join the priesthood?
Also shot here. They just used a differerent part of this same huge Malibu estate –
the same pool-house
that "True Blood" used as Queen Sophie-Anne's mansion.

Obviously, it's a popular spot for Hollywood filmmakers...

[ This is a private home. Do not trespass on their property, knock on their door,
or do anything else that might disturb the residents
. ]

Here is a Google Earth aerial view of that estate.

    Season 3 Update: In Episode 2 of Season 3, we see a church
    where a confused Josh Chan has gone in hope of becoming a priest. 

    Early in the episode, be performs a silly musical number ("Head in the Clouds") in the church.

    Near the end of episode, Rebecca, bent on revenge for being left at the altar, shows up at the church during a service, wearing her white wedding gown, and proceeds to sing about all the insane things Josh "made her do", in the process, letting him know just how crazy she really is.

These scenes were filmed at  the oldest Episcopal church in Los Angeles,
the Church of the Epiphany, at 2808 Altura Street,
in the Lincoln Heights section of L.A.

Here is a matching StreetView of that corner.

More TV locations!

Most of photos on this page are stills from the WB show "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
  and are copyright Warner Bros Television.

The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne /