Dexter Filming Locations: Veterinary Clinic

But Rick was at the scene, during filming, and sent me this short video:  (Thanks, Rick!)

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Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A storefront in a strip mall.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This is our old friend, the strip mall at 6000 Fountain Avenue, in Hollywood.

    It's at the southwest corner of Fountain & Gordon Street, right across the street from the studio where they film Dexter.

DEXTER Filming Locations - hundreds of actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A veterinary clinic.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Part of a small strip mall, somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

A. In the final Episode 12, of the final Season 8, "Remember the Monsters?".

Hurricane Laura is headed towards Miami, and at the start of this scene, we see merchants out covering up their store windows with plywood, in preparation for the storm.

Oliver Saxon, the Brain Surgeon Killer, has been wounded in a shootout with Debra, so he is in need of medical treatment.

Since he's a wanted fugitive, he can't go to a hospital, so he goes into a veterinary clinic and forces the vet there to stitch up his bleeding arm.

While there, Saxon sees a TV report saying that Debra, whom he shot, is at Miami Central Hospital.

The vet begs him to let him go, but instead Saxon forces the man to drive with him to the hospital.

There, Saxon cuts out his tongue, and uses the medical emergency to attract attention away from himself, as he enters the hospital and begins to search for Deb.

The location: Veterinary Clinic

    In the scene, Saxon is parked on the north side of Fountain Avenue, looking south at the strip mall, when he notices that there is a vet there. They put up a fake street sign reading "Grand Ave" on Gordon Street, in addition to the fake veterinary clinic signs.

    They have used this mini-mall a zillion times over the eight season run of this show.

    And it may hold the series record for posing as so many different locations, such as:

  • In Season 2, it was The Swamp bar where Dexter stalked Santos Jiminez, the man who murdered Dexter's mother.

  • In Season 3, it was the tailor shop where Dexter picked up his wedding tuxedo (before being abducted by the Skinner). For that scene, they used storefront 6014, the same shop they turned into a veterinary clinic for this scene.

  • In Season 5, it was a Print 'n' Go copy shop, where Debra picked up family photos for Rita's funeral.

  • In Season 6, it was Dexter's donut shop, and again when Isaak tried to shoot him.

  • In Season 8, Debra got busted for DUI while parked right in front of this strip mall.

    So, it's somewhat appropriate that they filmed this storm-prep scene on their very last day of filming, (on the same day they shot the Argentina café scene inside the studio), making this mini-mall the very last Dexter exterior location ever filmed in Southern California.

I shot the photo below in 2009:

Here is an aerial photo of the location.  Here is a Google StreetView.
  And here is a map link.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

A.  I'd always recognize this strip mall, of course.