What is it supposed to be on the show?
Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?
When did we see it on the show?
A. In Episode 9, of Season 8, "Make Your Own Kind of Music".
Hannah has
stashed half a million dollars at her friend Arlene's house, and needs
it in order to get out of the country and start a new life.
So in the first scene, Hannah and Dexter arrive at the house, and Arlene lets them in.
Just as Arlene is giving Hannah the cash, a knock at the door turns out to be U.S. Marshal Clayton, who is looking for Hannah.
He is
surprised to see Dexter there, but Dex pretends that he and Arlene are
lovers, and that's enough to convince Clayton to move on.
In a second short scene, Dexter & Hannah leave the house, with the money in a suitcase.
Dexter tells Hannah that the Marshal will have her face all over Miami, and it's not safe for her to be seen in public.
He suggests that she hide out at Deb's beach house, an idea she's not thrilled about.
Q. What is it actually in real life?
Q. Where can I find it in real life?
A. They first showed Arlene's house back in Season 7. (You can read about that here. )
But in this final (8th) season, Hannah has moved, so they used a different house.
Instead of the original house on Gordon, they shot these new scenes at 1239 N. Beachwood Drive, in Hollywood.
The two houses have one thing in common: they are both next to Sunset-Gower Studio, where they film Dexter.
But while the Gordon house is west of the studio, this Beachwood address is just south of the studio.
They painted the
black wrought iron fence outside a shade of aqua, and removed what
appears to have been a bamboo inner fencing. They also draped some
bougainvillea over the porch, and added a few decorative touches.
The the house is just a few houses to the north of Lyle Sussman's house, and one street west of Norma Rivera's house.
Here is a Google StreetView of the location:
[ Warning: This is private home. Do not trespass on their property,
knock on their door, or do anything that might disturb the residents. ]
Here is an aerial
photo of the location. And here is a map
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
A. In the early seasons, I
usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes, using
clues from the various scenes. By the now, though, I've developed
a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and let me know in advance when something is about to film there.
Between those reports, my own personal reconnaissance around town, and a
few new resources I discovered, by the time the new first episode airs, I
already know most (but not all) of the filming locations, and only
need to watch the episodes and match up the scenes with the correct
This group of helpful fans includes Rick, Ellen, Suzi, Elaine, Mia,
Julie, Kerry, Joel, Eric, Jeff, & others. My thanks to all of them.
This tip came from Rick. (Thanks, Rick!)
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All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne
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