This is US - filming locations

The actual locations where TV's "This is Us" was shot.

Rebecca's House

Rebecca Pearson is the biological mother of Kevin & Kate, and the adoptive
mother of Randall. She is also an aspiring singer.

This is the home where Rebecca Pearson lives in her later years,.
after Jack is gone, the kids have moved out, and she
has apparently remarried to Jack's best friend, Miguel.

This is also where Randall comes to confront (in Episode 9) her about her
keeping the secret of his real father from him for so long. We see it again
in Episode 17 when she leaves to attend William's memorial service.

You'll find this brick house at 427 S. Lucerne Blvd.,
in the posh
Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles

[ Warning: this is a private home. Do not trespass on their property,
knock on their door, or do anything else to disturb the residents.

Built in 1923, this six bedroom, four bath home is worth close to $4 million.

The house has a lengthy Hollywood history.  It has also appeared in
"Gilmore Girls",  ABC's "Scandal", "90210", "Newsroom", and "Angel From Hell".)

Here is a Google StreetView of the house:


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    The actual locations where TV's "This is Us" was shot.

The This is Us  screenshots from the show & all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © NBC.
All other photos & text are Copyright © 2017-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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