Extant - Filming Locations (Episode 2)

The actual Southern California locations where Steven Spielberg's sci-fi series was filmed.

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Episode 2:  “Extinct”

0:12:05: Molly takes her android (Humanich) son, Ethan, to the Natural History Museum.

There, in a room filled with animal dioramas, Ethan and a class of school children
look at a huge,
taxidermied elephant.

Suddenly, the elephant seems to come to life (thanks to future holographic technology),
and leaves the diorama, roaring and raising its trunk, in a threatening manner.

The school children retreat - but Ethan does not.  He simply stands his ground
and observes the holographic elephant up close, until it disappears.

The school children gather around Ethan, congratulating him on his bravery.

This scene was shot at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,
which you'll find in Exposition Park, at 900 Exposition Blvd, in Los Angeles.

It's next to the USC campus on one side, and the L.A. Coliseum on the other.

That animal diorama room is indeed there, as is that elephant display. You can visit it.
(But, of course, the elephant does not come alive and leave the diorama...)

You'll find it in the Museum's African Mammal Hall, on the west side of Level One.

Here is a photo I shot of that elephant diorama, back in 2005:

However, the next scene, where Molly talks with Sam,
was shot in another room at the same museum

That scene was shot in The Rotunda, on the east side of the Museum, next to the Rose Garden.
That round room is lined with marble columns and topped by a stained-glass dome.

The sculpture in the center is called "The Three Muses".

Here is a photo I shot of that same room:

And here is a photo I shot of the museum's exterior:


0:23:20: Molly drives onto the lot of the ISEA and parks her car.

Inside, she looks at videocam footage of another  astronaut freaking out on the
space station -- until the computer cuts her off.

This parking scene was shot at Los Angeles Center Studios,
at 1201 W. 5th Street, in downtown Los Angeles.

To be more precise, the camera is looking northeast in the screencap above, in the
parking area tucked between the three main buildings just east of Bixel Street,
between 5th Street and Maryland Street.

Here is a Google StreetView of the spot.


( Note that this is not the same building seen earlier as ISEA, at 04:46.
They used that for the establishing shots, but the studio for the close-ups. )

0:27:01: Molly goes to meet with Harmon. who is supposed to be dead.

We see an opening shot of his trailer parked on the coast.

He tells her that he, too, saw a dead loved one when he was on board the space station.
For Molly, it had been her dead boyfriend.  For Harmon, it was his dead mother.

This view appears to have been shot in Malibu, California, looking southeast towards Point Dume
(which is the last peninsula seen in the background).  Most likely, it's somewhere around
Nicholas Canyon or Leo Carrillo State Beach, but it could be as far west as Solromar.


0:31:40: We see Molly's husband, John, waiting for her to arrive at Andre's restaurant.,
He had reminded her, earlier in the episode, that he had reservations for them there.

He sits alone at a table, watching another happy couple, while his wife stands him up.

This scene was shot on the patio of a real restaurant, waterside at Marina del Rey.

It's called Shanghai Red's, and you'll find it at the south end of Fisherman's Village.
The official address is 13813 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, CA.

 ( It appears, though, that the restaurant has recently been renamed "Whiskey Red's"
It was Shanghai Red's for ages, but apparently the name change came about a year ago...
Ironically, the restaurant's website is still at shanghairedsrestaurant.com )

The restaurant has been on TV before. It was featured in the
8th episode of "Dexter", in the 5th season of that show.

Here's a photo I shot of the restaurant, back in 2010:


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The photos on this page are stills from "Extant"
(which you can buy by clicking here) and are copyright CBS.

The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne / Seeing-Stars.com