Extant - Filming Locations - Episode 13

The actual Southern California locations where Steven Spielberg's sci-fi series was filmed.

Season One - Page 11

Episode 1  -  Episode 2  -  Episode 3  -  Episode 4  -  Episode 5Episode 6
Episodes 7 & 8 - Episodes 9 & 10 - Episode 11 - Episode 12 - Episode 13

Episode 13:  “Ascension” (The Finale)

Since most of the action in this final episode took place in space or inside the lab,
there is only one new filming location this time, in the very final scene:

The bridge where the couple pick up the Offspring.

0:42:05, we see a shot of a bridge at night, with a city skyline in the distance:

A lone, small figure is seen walking along the bridge.

We see that it is the Offspring - Molly's alien child:

An unsuspecting couple see the child and stop to offer help:

The Offspring gets into their car, and we see them driving away, across the bridge:

This scene was shot on the 6th Street Bridge, in downtown Los Angeles.

The bridge crosses the Los Angeles River (and countless railroad tracks) as it leads
from downtown L.A. into East Los Angeles, where 6th Street is renamed
Whittier Blvd.  (The exact address is around 2100 Whittier Blvd.)

The scene of the kid walking on the bridge is shot looking west at the bridge's arches.
The shot of the couple standing next to their car is looking south/southwest.
And the shot of the car driving away was shot with the camera looking east.

Since 6th Street is a two-way street, the car in the scene is actually
driving the wrong way, on the left side of the street!

Here is a Bing StreetSide view of the bridge looking west, matching the top photo.

And here's a view looking east, matching the bottom photo.


( Click here to return to the first "Extant" page. )

Previous "Extant" locations!


The photos on this page are stills from "Extant"
(which you can buy by clicking here) and are copyright CBS.

The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne / Seeing-Stars.com