The actual Southern California locations where Steven Spielberg's sci-fi series was filmed.
Season One - Page 10 Episode 12: “Before the Blood” Most of the locations in this late episode were seen before in previous episodes, and the few new locations this week are difficult to identify with any certainty: ( At 13:56: there is another establishing shot of Yasumoto Tower. ) ![]() (Click on the photo to read about that location.)
![]() At 0:31:31, we see Julie go to Odin's apartment. This is almost certainly just a studio set, probably at Culver Studio. But just as a bit of informative L.A. trivia, take notice of the city view seen out the door behind them (which may well be just a green screen):
That rotating beacon appears to be atop Los Angeles City Hall.
(Here's a Google StreetView of City Hall.) Here is a video of the actual beacon in action: ![]() 0:33:58: Molly is seen running in a forested area: ![]() 0:33:58: She comes to an old corrugated steel shed (or barn), where "The Offspring" makes her imagine that she is seeing her father and her dead lover again. She finally confronts the alien child, telling him to stop creating these illusions. He warns her that "the others, without the blood" will be here soon. ![]() I'm not positive about this location. But I know they were filming in Griffith Park around this episode, so I assume that the woods scene was shot in that huge park. As for the corrugated barn, the camera never pulls back far enough to show the entire exterior of the structure, so I can't be sure where it is. However, my guess is that it may be one of the old, corrugated steel buildings which are still standing at Griffith Park's Old Zoo. The Old Zoo is exactly what it sounds like, a small, abandoned zoo with empty cages, that was once the city zoo - before they opened the current Los Angeles Zoo. The Old Zoo is about two miles south of the moderrn L.A. Zoo. While it is now empty and in disrepair, the old area remains open to curious visitors. But again, that's just a guess. Such a simple structure could be found just about anywhere, including at most movie ranches. ![]() ![]() ![]() ( At 0:41:33: Julie returns to Molly & John's lakehouse. ) ![]() (Click on the photo to read about that location.) ![]() At 0:41:33: we are Ethan riding his bike again, at night, on a residential street. Julie, alarmed that Odin has put him in danger, stops her car and tells him to get in. ![]() I assumed that this would probably be the same street where they shot the earlier bike scene, or another street in Culver City very near to it. (The lampposts were a giveaway.) And I was right. It wasn't the exact same street (Kreuger), but like that first one, this street was also right next to Culver Studios - only on the other (southeast) side. The shot this street on the 4000 block of Van Buren Place, in Culver City (near 4056), with the camera looking southeast (while Ethan pedals northwest). The white wall you see on the left side actually hides a parking garage for the studio. Here is a matching Google StreetView of the street: ![]() ![]() ![]() The photos on this
page are stills from "Extant" The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne / Seeing-Stars.com |