Where the Stars Live

  Addresses & Maps to the Stars' Homes,
   + Hollywood estates you can visit.

This is your online guide to the movie stars' homes.

Southern California is renowned for its many celebrity estates, and driving through Beverly Hills looking for the stars' homes is now a time-honored tradition and a favorite pastime of tourists.

Back in 1926, when Will Rogers was the honorary mayor of Beverly Hills, he was asked what his principal duties were. He replied: "Telling tourists where to find PickFair!"  (the palatial home of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks)

This section is divided into three parts.

In part one, you'll find a comprehensive listing of celebrity addresses in L.A. (current and former), alphabetized by last name, and complete with interactive online maps for your convenience. Plus a listing of key streets chock full of stars' homes. (That's Jimmy Stewart's house to the left.)

In part two, we'll take you through the neighborhoods where the stars live, focusing on the communities of Beverly Hills and Malibu.

In part three, we'll tell you about grand estates and mansions in the Hollywood area which are open for public tours, including the former estates of some celebrities.

(* Always remember that these are people's homes. Treat them with the same respect you would want shown for your own property. Do not do not disturb the occupants, and do not trespass on their property.)

The Homes of the Stars

Celebrity Neighborhoods

Grand Estates of the Stars
(now open to the public)

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