location: Failed Abduction Attempt |
A. This scene was shot at the Shoreline Marina, in Long Beach, CA. To be more specific, it was shot at the part of the marina which is partially surrounded by Shoreline Village, a nautical-themed shopping/dining village. When we first see the woman walking, she is heading south on the dock/pier that is closest to the 33 Degrees gastropub, where they filmed both the nightclub scene and the Tallahassee bar scene (from the same episode). She is not walking on the usual pedestrian boardwalk at the Village. Instead, she is walking along the marina docks, which are located about ten feet below the boardwalk level (and reached by walking down a ramp). She reaches the south end of that first dock, and then turns and walks east, along the south edge of the marina. After a few more steps, she stops and is grabbed by Travis. The white party boat was docked at the far north end of that north/south dock, where she first starts walking. The three witnesses appear at the far east end of the marina, near Tequila Jack's. While they were here at Shoreline Village, they also filmed the scene of Gellar & Travis running over a couple and successfully abducting another woman.< They used the parking lot for that scene. In fact, they have filmed many times here, from the 1st season scene of the Ice Truck Killer's Christmas tableau to the 5th Season scene of Astor caught shoplifting.
I shot the photos below in November 2011. This is looking north up the dock where we first see the victim walking (south).
Here is an aerial
photo of the marina, showing the path she took. And here is a map
link. Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was? A. In previous seasons, I've
usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the 6th season, though,
I'd developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there. Rick let me know that they were filming at Shoreline Village. Then, it turns out that Jeff
has a son, named Eric, who landed a role as an extra in the Shoreline shoot, and
Jeff let me know that they had shot a scene of witnesses stopping a
woman from being abducted. In the blow-up below, Eric's the one on the right. (Thanks, Rick, Jeff & Eric!) ![]() Once
I had seen the episode, all I had to do was go to the marina in person
and line up the landmarks seen in the scene. For instance, you can
see the lighthouse (at nearby Shoreline Park) behind Travis at one
point. (That let me know they were walking east.) And it was
easy to determine which north/south dock the victim was initially
walking on, because the same boats docked at the marina were still there
when I visited. Also, in the scene, the individual boat slips are
numbered, and this dock's numbers were all in the 5000 range, making it
easy to match it up. (And naturally, it wound up being the dock
closest to 33 Degrees, the pub where they filmed the other two scenes.)
Dexter screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements
are trademarks of and © Showtime.
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