location: The Transcorp Building Rooftop |
And those blue contraptions that look like generators? Most of them are fake as well (to give the characters some hiding places). The building is right across the street from (southeast of) the street where they filmed the scene of Travis walking with Harrison. And it's also right across the street from the parking lot that they used for the police command center scenes. It's two blocks northwest of the promenade where they filmed the outdoor market scene, with Travis & Gellar. And about four blocks up the hills (north) from the street where they filmed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse scene, and the center where they filmed museum angel scenes. I shot these photos in 2011:
Here is an aerial photo of the location. Here is a Google StreetView. And here is a map link. The smaller blue units, to its right, are the fake additions.. ![]() Jeff's second photo shows the fake elevator they built on the rooftop (it's where Travis puts Harrison): ![]()
A. In previous seasons, I've
usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the 6th season, though,
I'd developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there. When they show wide views of
rooftop, several obvious Long Beach buildings are clearly seen in the
background, most notably The Riviera apartments and the International
Tower, both on Ocean Blvd. So, if you're as familiar with downtown
Long Beach as I am, it's not hard to figure out where the building was. But on this one, I had an advance tip from Rick,
that they would be filming there. I drove past during filming, to
shoot photos of the police command center across the street, but obviously couldn't get photos from the roof. Here's where serendipity steps in. It turns out that Rick's youngest brother, Jeff,
works at the Comerica building, and was there during filming.
What are the chances? He even shot a few photos, which you see on
this page and the page about the police command center. He was also able to report on the filming itself. The one thing that impressed him the
most was that during multiple takes, both of the young twins (who play Harrison) would
cry loudly and realistically on cue, but stopped as soon as they yelled
"cut". (Thanks, Jeff!) After the episode aired, I got an email from Kasper Anema,
from the Netherlands, who had managed to track down the location of the
tower by spotting a Sprint store in the building, and then doing
long-distance detective work. I've gone long-distance location hunting
myself (for the Miami locales), and I know it's not easy. Thanks,
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