Dexter Filming Locations: The Spilled Barrels Accident

DEXTER Filming Locations - hundreds of actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.

The location: The Spilled Barrels Accident

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A public street.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 7, of Season 5, "Circle Us".

    The first time we see it is at night.

    A man (who turns out to be Cole Harmon) is driving a pickup truck filled with barrels.

    He comes to a stop at an intersection, then proceeds, but is suddenly struck hard by a drunk driver who runs the stop sign.

    When we see it again later, in the day time, it is now a crime scene.  Police have cordoned off the intersection.

    A wide shot shows it to be next to a marina.

    Dexter arrives and asks Angel what is going on. Angel is surprised the Dexter hasn't already heard it on the news.

    He takes him over near the smashed pickup truck and shows him a gory scene: five rusting barrels, each with a dead woman inside (now lying out on the street).

    Dexter, of course, recognizes this as the handiwork of the late Boyd Fowler, and realizes that someone was attempting to move the bodies from the swamp, to get rid of the evidence - when the accident stopped them.

    Debra tells him that the driver ran away. He assumes it was one (or more) of Lumen's attackers, and he wants to find them (and kill them) before the police do.

    Dexter hurries over to the truck, to look for evidence, but finds that Vince Masuka has beaten him to it.

    Masuka has found fingerprints (that later match to Cole Harmon) and a folded jacket - making Dexter assume that it was probably one of Lumen's attackers, the one she named "Suit & Tie Guy", who always folded his jacket before raping her.

    Debra finds the truck's registration, and it is registered to motivational speaker Jordan Chase - the same guy who made the "Take it!" CD's that Boyd was listening to during his drive with Dexter.

    (Cole turns out to be Chase's security guy.)

    While they are on the scene, Quinn gets a phone call from Stan Liddy, who tells him that Dexter has a girl in his old house, and even took down the "For Sale" sign.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A public street - just not in Miami.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This is the intersection of Bay Shore Avenue and Vista Street, in Long Beach, CA.

    The body of water you see in the background is the canal that surrounds Naples Island and separates it from the Long Beach mainland. Bay Shore Avenue is on the mainland, curving around west & north sides that Naples canal, in an upscale neighborhood called Belmont Park.

    In the night scene (see the top photo, above), Cole is driving south on Vista Street, and stops at Bay Shore Avenue. The car that hits him if driving west on Bay Shore Avenue.

    In the daytime scene, it opens with a wide shot looking east up Bay Shore Avenue (see the third photo from the top, above).

    Both the truck and the dead bodies (and the barrels) are on Bay Shore Avenue, at the stop sign near Vista Street, at approximately 290 Bay Shore.

    The boats are in the Naples canal, and the homes you see across the water are on Naples Island.

    I shot the matching (larger) photos below in November 2010:

    If this intersection looks familiar to you, it should.

    This is the exact same intersection where, in Season 2, they filmed the scene of Lila's stealing spree.
    It's also very near Camilla's house, and near the bridge where Doakes chased and shot a man. (In fact, you can see that same bridge in the opening aerial shot of this scene.)

    ( The brief shot of Stan Liddy talking to Quinn (on the phone) was filmed miles away, in Hollywood, on Gordon Street, just south of Sunset - right across from the studio where they film Dexter. See the spot in this Google StreetView )

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A.  This was easy.

    I'm familiar with the Naples/Belmont Shore area, and I simply recognized it.

    It helps that I went to that very same intersection to shoot photos for the Lila scenes, Camilla's house, and the bridge.

    (Also, Julie was kind enough to let me know, in case I hadn't recognized it. Thanks, Julie.)

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The Dexter screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © Showtime.
All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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