What is it supposed to be on the show?
Where is it supposed to be on the show?
When did we see it on the show?
A. In Episode 2, of Season 7, "Sunshine and Frosty Swirl".
Quinn meets a gorgeous blonde stripper named Nadia, when he and Angel investigate the Fox Hole Gentlemen's Club (in connection with the murder of Mike Anderson).
is the only one there who gives him any information. She tells
him that the victim (a former stripper at the club) had been dating a
club bouncer named Tony.
Later, she flirts with Quinn, and asks for a ride home.
Along the way, he tries to get more information from her, but she tells him that she already told him all she knew.
this brief scene, they pull up in his car, outside her apartment, where
she indirectly propositions him (suggesting he pay for a new transmission for her
car) before she gets out of the car and heads to her apartment.
What is it actually in real life?
A. An condo building, and not in Miami. |

Where can I find it in real life? A. This is The Metropol, a new condo building at 6001 Carlton Way, in Hollywood.
It's unlikely that Nadia (who
can't even afford to fix her own car) could afford to live there. The
prices start at around half a million for a unit here.
In the scene where they pull up across from her building, their car is driving east on Carlton Way, and stops on the south side of that street.
It's just one block west of the apartment building where they filmed the scene of Debra getting hysterical on Dexter's front lawn.
It's also just one long block south of the Sunset-Gower studio, where they film Dexter.
Here is an aerial
photo of the location. Here is a Google StreetView. And here is a map
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
A. In the early seasons, I usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the now, though,
I've developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there.
Between those reports, my own personal reconnaissance around town, and a
few new resources I discovered, by the time the first episode airs, I
already know most (but not all) of the filming locations, and only
need to watch the episodes and match up the scenes with the correct
This group of helpful fans includes Rick, Ellen, Elaine, Mia, Joel, Susan, Eric, Jeff, Kerry & others. My thanks to all of
Rick let me know that it was somewhere on Carlton Way, west of Gordon, and then once the episode aired, I easily found it using Google StreetView.
Interestingly, it doesn't show up on Bing's maps (as of Oct 2012, at
least), except as a construction site, since it was built relatively
recently (in 2009).

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