What is it supposed to be on the show?
Where is it supposed to be on the show?
When did we see it on the show?
A. In Episode 1, of Season 7, "Are You...?".
Mike Anderson, of Miami Metro, is driving at night, when he spots a
stranded motorist at the side of the road, with a flat tire.
Anderson stops to help. The motorist seems reluctant, and when Anderson
opens the man's trunk to get a lug wrench, he finds the bloody body of
a scantily-clad dead woman.
Before he can react, the man (a Ukrainian mobster named Viktor Baskov) shoots him to death, then drives off in his car.
next morning, we see Dexter arrive at the crime scene, where his fellow
police are already gathered. Anderson's body is covered in a flag, and
is being taken away on a stretcher.
Debra, who just recently saw Dexter kill Travis, eyes him warily throughout the scene.
examines the dead woman in the car trunk, and says that someone smashed
in her head. Her fingerprints show that she was Kaja Soroka, a Ukrainian
stripper who worked at the Fox Hole strip club.
Dexter surreptitiously lifts a fingerprint from the car's turn signal, and later IDs it as belonging to Viktor Baskov.
What is it actually in real life?
Where can I find it in real life?
A. This scene was shot on Loynes Drive, in Long Beach, just south of Studebaker Road.
Loynes Drive runs
east/west between Pacific Coast Highway and Studebaker Road. The
east end borders some undeveloped land that still has that rugged,
deserted look to it, which makes for a good background on a show like
The towers &
smokestacks seen in the background are actually almost a mile away, in
a refinery to the southeast. The cameras' telephoto lenses make them
look closer than they are.
Loynes Drive should sound familiar to Dexter fans who follow this website.
It's the same spot where, last season (6), they filmed the scene of the fruit vendor being killed by Travis, and the subsequent crime scene.

And in Season 5, they used the area for several scenes, including the spot where Dexter steals a car, the spot where Jordan Chase has Lumen in his trunk, and (farther west on Loynes) another scene with a fruit vendor, who identifies Chase
(So yes, those are two fruit vendor scenes, and two woman-in-the-trunk scenes, and two police murder-scene investigations... all filmed on the same stretch of Loynes Drive in Long Beach.)
It's less than a mile away from the similarly vacant parcel where they filmed the "search for bodies" scene this season.
Here is an aerial
photo of the location. Here is a Google StreetView. And here is a map
The photos below were shot on Loynes by a tourist/fan, Yann, on May 25, 2012.

Thanks, Yann!
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
A. In the early seasons, I usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the now, though,
I've developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there.
Between those reports, my own personal reconnaissance around town, and a
few new resources I discovered, by the time the first episode airs, I
already know most (but not all) of the filming locations, and only
need to watch the episodes and match up the scenes with the correct
This group of helpful fans includes Rick, Ellen, Elaine, Mia, Joel, Susan, Eric, Jeff, Kerry & others. My thanks to all of
This time, it was a fan/tourist named Yann, from France. He had emailed me hoping to see the Dexter cast while he was in the U.S.,
and he only had two weeks left before he had to head back home. So,
when I found out about the Loynes Drive shoot, I let him know about
it. He showed up early, got the photos you see above, and (as you
can see below) it turned out to be Yann's lucky day:

(Isn't that a great photo?)
Ellen also reported in on the location that day, and once the episode aired, Eric P. emailed me to say he recognized the spot as Loynes Drive. (Thanks, guys!)

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All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne
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