Dexter Filming Locations: The Jogging Street


The location: Out Jogging.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A residential neighborhood.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami, Florida.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 8 of Season of Season 1 - "Shrink Wrap":

    Dexter is investigating his own psychiatrist, Dr. Meridien, whom he suspects of killing a number of patients (all successful women), by persuading them to commit suicide.

    He needs to know if the shrink has an alibi for one killing, so he goes out jogging past the house of a fellow patient of that therapist, a young man named Alex.

    He finds him unloading groceries from his car, and stops, pretending to help with the groceries.

    He strikes up a conversation, and Alex (who turns out to be gay) is more than glad to talk to Dexter.

    Dexter mentions that he's seen him at the Dr. Meridien's office, and indirectly asks Alex if kept his appointment (at the time of the woman's death).  He did, meaning that the shrink has an alibi for that one.

    Once Dex tells Alex that he has a girlfriend, the guy loses interest and goes inside.

    Dex resumes his jogging.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A residential neighborhood, but far from Miami.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This is actually the west side of the 4000 block of Pine Avenue, in Long BeachCA.

    Pine Avenue is a north/south street which runs most of the length of the city.  Downtown, for instance, Pine is a major commercial street. But this section is the 4000 block of Pine, which is in the city's northwest corner, is residential.

    It's between Roosevelt Road on the south, and San Antonio Drive on the north, just south of the Country Club neighborhood where "American Pie" was filmed.

    Dexter begins jogging around 4001 Pine, and runs north up the west side of Pine, where he stops to talk to Alex at 4031 Pine Ave. When he begins jogging again, they basically start over, back at 4001 Pine.

    The nearby streets of the same neighborhood were used extensively in later seasons, for locations such as Miguel Prado's house, Maria LaGuerta's house, and the home of the Trinity Killer.
    They even used it as Dexter's own neighborhood for a chase scene in season 4.

    I shot the photos below in 2010.

    The top photo looks south down the west side of Pine Avenue, where Dexter jogged.
    The bottom photo shows the house where Dexter stopped to talk to Alex.

    [ Warning: These are private homes.  Do not knock on their doors, trespass on their property,
    or do anything else that might disturb the residents. ]

       Here is an aerial photo of the street. And here is a map link.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. In retrospect, this seems obvious. After all, Dexter filmed in this neighborhood many times over the years. But back during the first season, when I was searching for this street, they had never filmed there.  All of their Long Beach filming at the time was done in the old "Dexter Neighborhood" down south in Los Altos, or near the Naples/beach area, or on the east side at El Dorado Park.
    This Bixby neighborhood didn't even seem to be on their map back then.

    So, I searched the areas they frequented, and when I didn't find it there, I moved on to other spots (including Hancock Park), but didn't try this Bixby area.

    Fortunately, in 2010, a fan, Geoff, watched the first season, and tracked down a number of missing locations. This was one of them. (Thanks, Geoff!)

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All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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