Dexter Filming Locations: Listed By Category (6th Season - 2011)

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[ Be warned that, due to the gruesome nature of of the show, some of the photos from "Dexter" on this site may be disturbing. ]

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Snake-filled Victim found on Beach.

Professor Gellar & Travis at sunset.

Beach Baptism. (Brother Sam)

Attempted abduction at marina. (Travis)

Travis turns abducted woman loose.

Brother Sam's beach funeral.

The Richochet Rabbit. (docked at marina)

The Richochet Rabbit. (docked under bridge)

Marina Guard's office.

Dexter & Travis fight at marina.

Dexter in exploding boat.

Wading ashore from fishing boat.


Warehouse "Stabbing" Scene.

The Snake Swamp.

Dexter backs into dumpster.

Brother Sam's Good Shepherd Auto Repair.

Tooth Fairy's Self-Storage Facility.

Tooth Fairy's Bus Stop.

Tooth Fairy's Car Crash.

Angel Driving his Trans Am.

Angel & Quinn smoking a joint.

Museum of Art.

Dexter lets Travis go.

Beer Fest. (Dexter stalking Travis)

Junkie Alley.

Corn Field in Nebraska.

Hitchhiking Harry.

Museum of Art. (exterior)

Quinn/Angel fight.

The John James Visitor Center.

La Guerta & Matthews in parked car.

Quinn wakes up in car.

Dexter driving in Coral Gables.

Travis walking with Harrison.

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Barber Shop / Kill Room.

Thomas Medical Pharmacy
(and news stand).

The Nebraska Market.

Jonah Mitchell's Hardware Store. (in Nebraska)

The Internet Cafe.


Angel's restaurant. (with his sister)

Deb's Shootout. (at a restaurant/bar)

Debra buying Angel coffee.

Cafe with Travis & Gellar.

Restaurant with Travis & Erin.

Travis & Gellar at a Night Club.

Bar in Tallahassee. (Quinn & Ms. Porter)

Donut Shop.

Diner. (Dexter talks to Travis)

Indian Restaurant.  (Angel, Jamie & Louis)

Strip Club. (with Quinn & Masuka)

Cafe Babieca restaurant. (Deb & Matthews)

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Harrison's Preschool.

Dexter's High School Reunion.

University of Tallahassee.

Travis's sister Lisa's School.

Casey's Lecture Hall. (Miami South University)

Scarnes Hall. (Miami South University)

Harrison's Preschool Pageant.

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Debra's Beach House.

Nick's House.

Travis's sister Lisa's house.

Coral Island Retirement Village. (Tooth Fairy)

Travis Marshall's apartment.

Leo Hernandez's house.

Shady Lane Motel, in Nebraska.

Jonah Mitchell's house, in Nebraska.

The Cougar's house.

Steve Dorsey's apartment.

Holly Benson's apartment.

Peter Grant's house.

Murdered couple's house.

Dexter's apartment.

Dexter's carport.

Dexter - filming locations - The actual locations where Dexter was filmed
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The "Dexter" screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © Showtime
All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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