location: Professor Gellar & Travis's Church |
And in the finale of Season 6, (Episode 12, "This is the Way the World Ends"), this is where Debra walks in and catches Dexter in the act of killing Travis. In Season 7, Episode 1 ("Are you...?"),
we are back at the church as Debra reacts to what she saw. Eventually,
she agrees to let Dexter burn down the church to get rid of the
evidence. This is also where LaGuerta discovers one of Dexter's blood slides.
Q. What is it actually in real life? A. A private home, but a unique one. A. This is the Abbey San Encino.
It is a private home, located in a normal neighborhood at 6211 Arroyo Glen Street, in the Highland Park section of Los Angeles (about halfway between downtown L.A. and Pasadena). It's just south of Figueroa, and just north of the Pasadena freeway.
You know singer/songwriter Jackson Browne, who did songs like "Doctor, My Eyes" and "Running on Empty". Well, his grandfather, Clyde
Browne, built this unique house himself in 1915, and Jackson grew up in
it. Jackson's brother, Severin (also a singer), now owns it. Clyde was a writer, artist &
printer, who obviously admired the medieval style and the California
Missions, and attempted to capture that look in his Abbey. He hoped to
the Abbey would become the center of an artists community in L.A., and built other buildings on the property as artists studios. The
home boasts rugged stone walls, stained glass windows, a pipe organ, a
dungeon, and an interior resembling a 17th century chapel. (Speaking of interiors, a close
comparison shows that the church interior seen on "Dexter" is not the
same as the Abbey's interior. Which means they probably only filmed
the exteriors here. I'm not sure where they filmed the interiors, but chances are it was at the studio.) This is a photo of the western face of the Abbey San Encino To see more photos of the church and its interior & gardens, or The Abbey
is next door to a Senior Center that was also a filming location this
season, and is just around the corner from the house where Quinn found out he had slept with a much older woman. And it's only about half a mile northeast of two other Season 6 locations: the barber shop (where Dexter killed the gang
leader, Julio), and the fake coffee stand where Debra told Angel
about her promotion. Here is an aerial
photo of the Abbey. Here is a Google StreetView. A. In previous seasons, I've
usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the 6th season, though,
I'd developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there. This one came from Rick, and I am grateful, because I would have had a hell of a time trying to find it on my own.
He let me know back in June that they were filming at the address. I did a little
quick research and learned that it was the Abbey Encino. I found their website, with its many photos, and easily recognized the "church" when it showed up on "Dexter". (Thanks, Rick!)
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