location: Driving with Harry |
That's the same street where they filmed the scenes of Jamie driving with the kids, earlier in this episode.
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was? A. At around the 47:34 mark, they pass a distinctive building lined in lights:
Since I knew they filmed
the earlier scenes of Jamie driving on Ocean, I searched that street
for this building, and found it at 5101 E. Ocean Blvd:
It's called Club Ripples, and according to their website,
it's a gay/lesbian bar. That's ironic, since in this scene, Dexter is
following Isaak to a gay bar. He drives right past this real one,
and instead winds up at Yankee Doodles, which isn't one. That's Hollywood for you. At the end of the scene, they pass a building with a sign that reads: "Chucks: Home of the Weasel":
I've passed this place a zillion times, and it's hard to forget a sign like that. But even if I hadn't, the name is right there: Chuck's Coffee Shop, which any Google search will tell you is at 4120 East Ocean Blvd, in Long Beach, right next to Yankee Doodles.
( And "The Weasel"? It's a breakfast dish served at Chucks: scrambled eggs topped with chili, cheese, onions and thick potato chips. )
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