location: Debra counsels Dexter |
A. This scene was shot on the very wide, rocky breakwater which runs out southeast from Long Beach's Shoreline Village (starting near Parker's Lighthouse), and wraps around the Shoreline Marina. The breakwater is a half-mile
long, and is so wide (about 140 feet) that it contains (between its
rocky edges) a two-lane street, parking spaces on both sides, grassy
strips of lawn, and bike/pedestrian paths running along both edges. The breakwater offers a fine view of the nearby Queen Mary, docked across the water (something the Dexter crew has to avoid showing, of course, since they're supposed to be in Miami). On the breakwater, there are three circular turnaround areas, each with a round, grassy median planted with palm trees. This scene was filmed just north of the first of those turnarounds. Dexter's
car is parked facing
east/northeast towards the marina. When he drives off at the end,
is headed southeast, and we see him circle around one of those
palm-tree laden turnarounds. (Actually, he should have u-turned,
because in real life he's heading towards the dead end of the
breakwater.) The Shoreline Marina is located off 450 E. Shoreline Drive, in Long Beach, CA. To reach the breakwater, you need to circle south of Shoreline Village's parking lot (via Shoreline Village Drive), until you almost reach the Parker's Lighthouse restaurant, and then turn left (south) onto the breakwater. Dexter has filmed a lot at Shoreline Village over the years - starting with that Santa's Land
scene way back in the first season. Last season, they shot scenes of
Travis Marshall kidnapping a woman in the nearby parking lot. They have also filmed on this same breakwater before, including the scene in Season 2 where they found the body of a young Skinner victim, and last seasons scene of Travis abducting a groggy Dexter at the marina. (And they were back later this year to shoot a scene of Dexter taking his son to see Santa.)
I shot these photos of that same breakwater spot in October 2012.
Here is an aerial
photo of the location. Here is a map
And here is a Bing StreetSide View of the breakwater's entrance .
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was? A. In the early seasons, I usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the now, though,
I've developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there. I
know this breakwater
well. As I mentioned earlier, they have filmed here a lot over
the years, and I've driven out on it several times to shoot photos. Not
to mention, the Shoreline Village area is one of my favorite local
haunts. So I simply recognized it when I saw it.
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are trademarks of and © Showtime.
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