A list of 9th Season filming locations for Dexter: New Blood sorted by category If a location listed below doesn't yet have a link, that means that I have already found the location, but I just haven't created a page about it yet. It's a slow process. Be patient, and I will definitely add links to all of them in the near future. Missing Locations (that I haven't found yet): Kurt Caldwell's cabin / lair. If you know what I can find any of these missing locations, please drop me an email at: webmaster at seeingstars.com (replace the "at" with @ ) Return to the Season Nine menu. Go to the Main Dexter menu The screenshots from Dexter New Blood & all related characters & elements are trademarks of Showtime. All other photos & text are Copyright © 2006-2022-Gary Wayneand may not be used without written permission. Return to the Seeing-Stars website Looking for something in particular? Search the Seeing-Stars website! |