By Episode - By Category - By Geographical Location - Clickable Map of All Dexter Locations - Go to Main Menu [ Be warned that, due to the gruesome nature of of the show, some of the photos from "Dexter" on this site may be disturbing. ]
Teegan's Murder scene: in park.
Second Skinner Murder (Javier).
Wendell Owens murder site.
The Bloody Socks house.
Murder scene on lawn.
The Skinner's Lair (under freeway).
Cemetery (Ellen Wolf).
Tailor shop (where Dexter is grabbed).
Skinner's warehouse (Dexter held captive).
Miguel's body in park.
The Beach Patio Restaurant (Prado & LaGuerta).
The Country Club Patio Restaurant.
Sandra's at the Pointe - Boardwalk Cafe.
The Dockside Cafe (Miguel & Dexter).
The Donut shop (Prado/Dexter clash).
Anton & Debra talk in a funky café.
The Blue Room Bar.
The Beach Taqueria (Debra meets Anton).
Angel Food Big Donut.
Debra Spies on Ramon at a Cafe. Dexter & Prado meet in narrow cafe/market.
Ramon Prado's bar.
Debra's coffee stand.
Miguel & Ramons "Secret Spot".
The Rooftop confrontation (Dexter & Miguel).
The Red Light Accident.
The Wedding of Dexter & Rita.
Hotel Belvedere (Dexter stalking Miguel).
Bimini Beach.
The Golf Driving Range.
Oscar Prado's Wake.
The Casino.
Stalker Beach (with Rita & kids).
Miguel Prado's Beach Fiesta.
Dexter & Miguel Prado on beach.
The Golf Course (with Miguel Prado).
Debra warns Anton.
Dexter in car trunk.
Under the bridge (Miguel's bloody shirt).
Swings / Park Dream Sequence.
The College Campus.
The Kids' school.
Dexter Phones Ramon.
Rita's Hotel (exterior / establishing shot).
The Wedding Hotel (exterior / establishing shot).
Miguel Prado's house.
Maria LaGuerta's house.
Freebo's house.
Teegan's house (where Freebo is killed).
Billy Fleeter's house.
Wendell Owens' house.
The Skinner's upscale hideout.
Ellen Wolf's home/office.
Anton's apartment house.
Nathan Marten's house.
Frat Party House.
Pimp Javier's motel.
Mario's house. (the Skinner's assistant).
Rita house hunting with Syl.
Ramon Prado's house.
Rita & Syl at a "For Sale" house.
Zack's house.
The Grieving fiancé.
The Stash House.
Rita's house.
The Boating Store.
The Jewelry Store.
The Supermarket (child stalker).
The Cleaners (bloody shirt).
The Sporting Goods Store.
The Pier (arguing with Miguel Prado).
Dexter's dock (Miguel shows up).
Bachelor Party Cruise dock.
Debra & Quinn arrest palm tree trimmer (Mario).
The Alley where Debra talks to transvestite hookers.
The Hooker Motel (Angel & Barbara).
Angel/Barbara Phone Calls.
The Police Station.
By Episode - By Category - By Geographical Location - Clickable Map of All Dexter Locations - Go To Main Menu
The "Dexter" screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © Showtime All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.
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