Dexter Filming Locations: The Bloody Hotel


The location: The Bloody Hotel.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. The "Marina View Hotel".

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. In Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 10 (of Season 1), "Seeing Red".

    The "Ice Truck Killer" sends the police a jar full of thick blood, in which floats a hotel key marked "Marina View Hotel - Room 103".

    When Dexter shows up at the crime scene (as the police blood splatter expert) , they find a hotel room literally full of blood. It's so shocking that it causes Dexter to stagger out of the room and refuse to go back inside.

    As it turns out, there were no bodies in the room - just the blood of several past victims (whose bloodless bodies had been found earlier) - blood which the "Ice Truck Killer" had been saving up to create this nightmarish scene.

    Dexter's strange reaction was due to horrific childhood memories which Dexter had suppressed, and which the "Ice Truck Killer" was trying to force him to remember.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A marina hotel - but not in Miami.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. It is the "Marina Del Rey Hotel", located at 13534 Bali Way, in Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Marina Del Rey is the world's largest man-made small crafts marina, and this sprawling, 153-room hotel is situated right on the water, occupying the west end of the Bali Way peninsula - across the water from (north of) Burton Chase Park.

    The hotel entrance seen on the show is on the northeast side of the hotel.

    The hotel played a Miami resort in yet another TV show recently: CSI:Miami.

    ( And don't worry - in real life it's a beautiful hotel. See

    The marina itself is located north of LAX and south of Venice & Santa Monica.

    Here is an aerial photo of the motel.  And here is a map link.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. I was pretty sure that this was Marina Del Rey. The hotel looked familiar. Then I remembered where I had seen it before. When I did my "The O.C." mini-site, I had discovered the hotel across the channel from the park where they had filmed the infamous Ferris Wheel scene.
    So I went to Live Local's aerial photos and double-checked. Sure enough, it was the same hotel.

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