What is it supposed to be on the show?
Where is it supposed to be on the show?
When did we see it on the show?
A. In Episode 10 - "The Dark... Whatever".
accesses off-limit juvenile records to trace a fingerprint found on a
burned-out bus that was torched by the "Phantom" arsonist.
determines that the arsonist is one Joseph Jensen, a disturbed young
man with a long history of arson, who has only recently been released
from a psychiatric facility.
We see Jensen arrive back at his house, and carry in a large container of kerosene, which he takes downstairs.
But when he goes to get his fire-proof suit, he finds Dexter in it.
wakes up on Dexter's table. But as Dexter is about to kill him, he has
a revelation about taking responsibility for his own actions, and not
just blaming his "irresistible Dark Passenger".
instead, he keeps his promise to Debra not to take cases away from
Miami Metro, lets Jensen live, and phones in an anonymous tip.
see the police show up, enter the house, and find Jensen unconscious on
the floor. They assume he passed out from the kerosene fumes, but
Debra spots the fire-proof suit out in the open, and somehow deduces
that Dexter was behind it all.
What is it actually in real life?
Where can I find it in real life?
A. They shot this scene at 1316 1/2 Gordon Street, in Hollywood.
That's just north of Fountain Avenue, and right across the street from the Sunset-Gower studio where they film Dexter.

The Dexter producers love Gordon Street.
Over the years, it seems like they have shot at almost every address on the street, from Doakes' apartment in the first season to Travis Marshall's place in the 6th.
Other homes on Gordon Street include
Lisa's house, Nick's house, Boyd
Fowler's House, the Nanny's place, Anton's
apartment, Teegan's house, Matt Chambers' house, Christine's apartment house, and the Skinner's assistant's house.
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?
A. In the early seasons, I usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes,
using clues from the various scenes. By the now, though,
I've developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an
eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know
in advance when something was about to film there.
Between those reports, my own personal reconnaissance around town, and a
few new resources I discovered, by the time the first episode airs, I
already know most (but not all) of the filming locations, and only
need to watch the episodes and match up the scenes with the correct
This group of helpful fans includes Rick, Ellen, Elaine, Mia, Joel, Susan, Eric, Jeff, Kerry & others. My thanks to all of
This tip came from Rick. (Thanks, Rick!)
(But with the street number fully visible on the front door, and knowing how much they love Gordon
Street, I suspect I would have found this one on my own, rather quickly.

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All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne
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