True Blood Filming Locations: Sam Running Naked

True Blood Filming Locations
Southern California Locations - Louisiana Locations - Clickable Map of All Locations

The location: Sam Running Naked in Swamp.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A swampy lake area.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. In or near Bon Temps, Louisiana.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 8 (of Season One), "The Fourth Man in the Fire".

    Detective Andy and Terry are out on a small boat, fishing, when suddenly they spot a naked man running through the woods.

    They recognize him as Sam Merlotte ( the owner of Merlotte's Bar & Grill ).

    Andy wonders what the hell Sam is doing out streaking through the woods, especially when there is a serial killer on the loose in the area.

    Andy doesn't know that Sam is a shape-shifter, who loses his clothes when he turns into a dog or some other smaller creature.

    Later, Andy questions Sam about it. To keep his secret, Sam tells him that his family were "naturists" (nudists) and that he occasionally goes running nude in remembrance of his parents.

Q. What is it actually, in real life?

    A. A swampy lake area, but not in the fictional Bon Temps.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This running scene was shot at Lake Bistineau, in Doyline, Louisiana.

    It's a 17,000-acre, swampy lake, dotted with those picturesque, flooded cypress trees.

    The scene was filmed at Lake Bistineau State Park (103 State Park Road, Doyline), along the edge of the lake, in front of the park's Nature Center.

     Here is a map link of Doyline and the general park area.

    The photos below were shot by Jen Bark in 2009. (Thanks, Jen!)

    Here is a Google StreetView panorama from around the lake:

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. A local news site ( printed an interview with Sam Trammell (Sam Merlotte), in which they reported:

      The scene itself was shot near Lake Bistineau, on land that Trammell's great-grandfather once owned.

       and quoted Sam as saying:

      Doyline is a tiny town where my father's side of the family all grew up. I have 13 relatives buried in the cemetery...
        We were so out in the middle of nowhere.

    True Blood Filming Locations

Southern California Locations - Louisiana Locations - Clickable Map of All Locations

The True Blood screenshots from the show & all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © HBO.
All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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