Where the Stars Work: Part II

Not all of the studios in Hollywood churn out movies. A good number of them are television studios, producing the wide variety of local & network programming we've come to expect from TV.

This is a guide to the many TV studios in the greater Los Angeles area, complete with addresses, histories, the shows produced at each studio, and interactive maps for your convenience.

Ironically, many of the current television studios in Hollywood actually started out as motion picture studios.

For instance, the KTLA TV studio on Sunset was actually built in 1919 as the first Warner Brothers Studio, where they filmed "The Jazz Singer." CBS's Columbia Square on Sunset was built on the site of the oldest studio in Hollywood, the historic Nestor Studio, built in 1910. 

ABC Television Center on Prospect Avenue was originally home to Vitagraph Studio, built in 1911. KCET Studios to the east was built in 1912, and used to house Monogram Pictures. CBS Studio Center (in the Valley) was started out life in 1928 as Mack Sennett's studio, and was also headquarters for Republic Studios.

To add to the confusion, virtually all of the motion picture studios in Hollywood produce television shows as well as movies. Paramount, for instance, makes "Fraiser"; Warner Bros. makes "Friends"; and Disney makes "Boy Meets World," so most studios offer free tickets to attend the live tapings of their TV shows.

Below is a list of all of the major TV studios in Hollywood, both local and network. Click on the links, and you'll find an article about each studio, detailing its history and its current productions.

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