The Southern California locations where Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is filmed.
They have identified one Brian Hayward as a Centipede soldier, and are trying to find him. So in this scene, Coulson (standing near his red sports car, 'Lola') watches while Ward pretends to be from the Ohio lottery, and tells her that he is trying to locate her brother But that, it turns out, is what Coulson was counting on. He is monitoring her calls,
Despite the fake "University of Ohio" signs, this scene was actually shot on the campus of (The college is located in the northeast part of the city, between Glendale & Pasadena.) The stairs/steps you see below are between Johnson Hall and Fowler Hall.
Meanwhile, Coulson's car is parked right out front of Swan Hall.
An earlier scene (below) of Mike Anderson pushing a bulldozer at what is supposed This time, they used the college's (lower) soccer field, and CGI'd in a fake background for the wide shots. The photos on this
page are stills from "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." The rest of the page is Copyright © 2019-Gary Wayne / Seeing-Stars.com