Marvel's Agents of SHIELD - Filming Locations: The Burned Church

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

  The Southern California locations where Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is filmed.

Episode 4, of Season 2 ("Face My Enemy")

The episode opens with a car full of priests and their bishop arriving at the burned-out ruins of
a church in Miami, Florida (
"Santa Maria de las Flores") that has survived a recent fire.

  They have discovered something unexpected & valuable in the ruins:
a painting of the Madonna & child dating back to Spain in the early 1500's.

But what eventually interests both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra is the alien writing on the back
side of the old painting, similar to the symbols Coulson has been scribbling on the walls.

( Later, a fundraiser is held at a Miami mansion to help rebuild the church, and
Coulson and May attend in hopes of stealing the painting. )


This is a real church (although the fire damage was faked via CGI).

It's the Trinity Lutheran Church, and you'll find it
at 759 Linden Avenue, in Long Beach, CA.

( Why is it that filmmakers always come to Long Beach when they're looking to recreate Miami?
"Dexter" passed off Long Beach as Miami for eight years, and so does "CSI: Miami". )

Built in 1927, the church suffered through an earthquake in 1933 and an actual fire in 1955,
but as you can see in the photo below, it has survived nicely:

(You can read more of the church's history on their website.)

Here is a matching Google StreetView of the church.

In the scene, we are looking at the east side of the church.  The church sits at
the southwest corner of Linden Avenue and 8th Street.


Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

The photos on this page are stills from "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."
(which you can buy here) and are copyright ABC/Disney/Marvel.

The rest of the page is Copyright © 2019-Gary Wayne /