Part 3

 The actual Southern California locations where
the 2007 movie "
Knocked Up" was filmed.

Basking in the temporary glow of their possible future together, Alison & Ben go out looking at
baby items. So, next we see a montage of shopping scenes. The first stop is a baby store
where Ben goofs around and puts on a baby hat & bib, telling Alison that this (see above)
is what she should expect their baby to look like.

This scene was shot at "Jacadi", a children's apparel store in the Paseo Colorado shopping mall,
at 380 E. Colorado Blvd in in Pasadena, CA. (Yes, that's the same Colorado Blvd where
the famous Rose Parade takes place each New Years Day.) Jacadi is located
on the ground level of that mall, at the east end (near Macy's), in space #145.


The shopping montage continues with a visit to a book store, where they pick out books
about what to expect from childbirth. (This comes back to haunt Ben later, when Alison
discovers that he hasn't read the books.)

That bookstore was actually "Apostrophe Books", at 289 E. Green Street, inside the same
Paseo Pasadena mall at the Jacadi store. But Apostrophe is located towards the
west end of the mall, next to Camille's Sidewalk Cafe.


The shopping montage culminates with a shot of Ben and Alison walking down the mall,
feeling good, when she reaches out and takes his hand.

As you can probably guess, that mall scene was shot inside Paseo Colorado, in Pasadena.
The filmmakers used this mall often in the film. (The camera is looking east, towards Macy's.)

Built in 2002, Paseo Pasadena replaced an older enclosed mall (named Plaza Pasadena),
and was an attempt to capture the outdoor, European ambiance that had made The Grove
such a success. Paseo Pasadena is bounded by Colorado Blvd on the north,
Green Street (and the Pasadena Civic) on the south, Los Robles Ave on the east,
and Marengo Ave on the west


In the photo above, Seth is driving Alison to the gynecologist, when they get into a funny
discussion about which of his friends she would choose for a hypothetical "three-way".

But when it came to choosing the location, the producers got lazy and just returned
to that same stretch of San Vicente Blvd (in Brentwood) that they used for
the earlier driving scene. In fact, it's even the same cross-street, Carmelina.

Only the car has changed, and the direction they are driving. In the photo above,
they are heading west on San Vicente, while in the first scene, she was headed east.


    The photos on this page are stills from the DVD of "Knocked Up"
    (which you can buy by clicking here) and are copyright Universal Pictures.

    The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne /