Part 6

    The Actual Southern California Locations where
    1995's "Heat" was filmed.

    * Warning: due to the gritty nature of "Heat", some of its filming locations are found in urban areas
    that may have a high crime rate, and could be dangerous to visit. Exercise reasonable caution.

    Before each scene description, you will see a number (for example:
    this is the time of the movie (on the DVD) when the scene appears.

    2:29:42 min: 'Waingro' is hiding out at a hotel, after betraying De Niro's crew.
    De Niro makes a big mistake by delaying his own escape to take time to
    hunt down and kill 'Waingro' in his hotel room. Doing so costs him his life.

    These scenes were shot at an actual hotel next to LAX. In fact, it's called the
    Hilton Los Angeles Airport, at 5711 West Century Blvd. (the same street
    which leads into the airport.)  It's also not far from the former drive-in theatre).

2:38:23: Al Pacino spots De Niro leaving the Hilton, and chases him into an airport,
where a running gun battle begins.

These scenes were shot at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), 1 World Way
(at west the end of Century Blvd.) Because the airport had received a bomb threat
that day, filming was restricted to the airport's outer areas, such as the
hangers and cargo areas - which is where the chase and showdown takes place.

The foot chase eventually takes them out to the end of the runway, where bright lights
signal the landing of each plane at the airport. De Niro waits for the landing lights to
illuminate the area, in order to get a better shot at Pacino, but Pacino sees
De Niro's shadow and shoots him...

In the photo below, we are looking east, and Pacino is facing south. We are at the east
end of the runways and the
plane overhead is coming in from the east, heading west.

* Locations marked with an asterisk may be located in high-crime areas. Exercise reasonable caution.

[ Click here for an interactive MAP of all "Heat" locations with aerial photos! ]

Some of the photos on this page are stills from the DVD of "Heat"
(which you can buy by clicking here) and are copyright Warner Bros.

The rest of the page is Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne /