The location: Yates' Lair |
knock on their door, or do anything that might disturb the residents. ] Here is an aerial photo of the location. And here is a map link.
A. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to find this. It was strictly an interior scene, and the outside of the house is never shown. Thanks to Rick, I knew a few addresses where they had filmed for this episode, but since Google StreetView only shows you the exteriors of the homes, I didn't think I stood much of a chance of figuring out which one had a matching interior. I Googled those addresses, hoping
that one of them might be up for sale, and might have interior photos
posted on a real estate site. And sure enough, fortune was smiling. When I checked out 157 N. Lucerne, I found this website: www.dreamhomesmap.com, which had photos of the home's interior. I was able to match up the distinctive white fireplace seen in this MLS photo of 157 Lucerne: with the same white fireplace (& arched window) seen in this screenshot from the show: And here's a close-up of that white fireplace (from later in the episode):
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