The location: Yates in parked van |
Q. Where can I find it in real life?
A. This scene was shot in front of 6088 Selma Ave, in Hollywood. (That's two blocks north of the Sunset-Gower studio where they film Dexter). Yates' van is parked on the south side of Selma, with the camera looking southwest towards Sunset Boulevard. (The tall black building seen in the background is located at 6255 Sunset. The street visible ahead is Gower.)
And here is a map link.
A. I thought I recognized that tall black building in the background as one on Sunset Blvd. So I used Google maps first to find that tower (which turned out to be at 6255 Sunset), and then I used Google StreetView to find the spot nearby where you could find that exact view. (We are looking at the east side of that Sunset building, as the camera looks southwest.) It took a little while, but I tracked it down.
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