Dexter Filming Locations: The Supposedly Empty House

DEXTER Filming Locations - over a hundred actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.             

The location: The Supposedly Empty House.

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A residential home.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In a brief scene in Episode 10 (of Season 4), "Lost Boys".

    Dexter is desperately trying to find the Trinity Killer, before he can kill the young boy he abducted from an arcade.

    Dexter learns from Arthur's son that Trinity was looking at real estate websites, and comes to the conclusion that Arthur was looking for empty houses, where he could commit his crimes.

    So Dexter begins methodically checking out empty houses from those listings.

    In this scene, Dexter goes to one supposedly empty house, at night, walks around to the back of the house, and peeks in a rear window.

    But instead of seeing an empty house, he instead see's a nude woman - on top of a guy. She doesn't see Dexter.

    Realizing the house isn't empty, Dexter beats a hasty retreat to his car, where he gets an unexpected phone call from Rita.

    The same house is seen again (appearing as another house) in the later scene where Dexter goes down into a basement, looking for the lost boy, and finds instead a homeless family squatting there. A poor woman, holding a child, says they have nowhere else to go, and asks him not to tell.  He says he won't.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A residential home, but not in Miami.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This is the very same house that they used (in the third season) for Teegan's house, where Dexter killed Freebo.

    The house is directly across the street from the Sunset-Gower studio where "Dexter" is filmed, at 1432 Gordon Street, in Hollywood, on the east side of the street.

    The front of the house itself isn't shown, just the back yard, rear window, and side walkway (as well as the view across the street) - which is similar to the way they filmed the house for the Teegan scenes...

    Since only the outside window was shown in this scene, they took advantage of that and shot another scene in the basement of the same house, the scene where Dexter encounters the family of squatters.

    Here is an aerial photo of the house. And here is a map link.

    Here is a Google StreetView panorama of the location.  (Dexter entered via the driveway on the left.)
    Rotate the panorama 180 degrees to see the studio garage on the other side of the street.

    [ Warning: This is a private home.  Do not knock on their door, trespass on their property, or do
    anything else that might disturb the residents. And don't even think of entering their back yard! ]

    They used the same house again in Season Five, for the interiors of Boyd Fowler's house.
    , while the exterior of Boyd's house was shot a few doors away at 1444 Gordon Street.

    The house is just a few doors north of Anton's apartment house, and only a block from the strip mall where they shot the scene of Nikki spotting the newspaper headline (which is also seen in the background of the scene of Trinity buying cement).

    It is also near several other "Dexter" third-season locations, including the tailor shop where Dexter is grabbed by the Skinner, the school where he picks up Rita's kids, the traffic accident scene, the hooker motel, as well as the homes of Wendell Owens and Ramon Prado.

    Don't confuse this house (which was the home of Freebo's dead girlfriend, Teegan) with Freebo's own house, which was located in San Pedro.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A. I had basically given up on finding this one.

    The scene was shot at night, and there were very few clues to go on.

    Fortunately, I got a tip from a fan, Rick, who told me it was at 1432 Gordon Street, in Hollywood.

    I went to take a look, via Google StreetView, and confirmed that it was the right place. The shingled walls, the side fence, the pronged gate, and most importantly, the big studio garage across the street all matched.

    It was then, when I saw the front of the home via StreetView, that I realized this was none other than "Teegan's house".

    That made perfect sense. It's right across the street from the studio, and since both scenes were dark, and didn't show much of the house, the chance of viewers recognizing it as the same place would be virtually nil. (Thanks, Rick!)

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