Dexter Filming Locations: The Moving Van Rental Place

DEXTER Filming Locations - hundreds of actual places where the TV show Dexter was filmed.

The location: The Sting Motel

Q. What is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. A motel.

Q. Where is it supposed to be on the show?

    A. Somewhere in Miami.

Q. When did we see it on the show?

    A. In Episode 5, of Season 5, "First Blood".

    Angel has grown suspicious of his new wife, Maria LaGuerta's relationship with an Internal Affairs investigator.

    The IA guy has been threatening to cause trouble for Angel because of his involvement in a bar fight, and Maria has been attempting to appease him.

    Angel follows them to a motel, and when he barges into the room, he finds the two together, and Maria's blouse open.

    Just as he is about to punch out the guy, Maria intervenes to stop him, and Angel learns that it is a sting, a set-up designed to trap a corrupt cop (who we see in another room) named Stan Liddy.

    Her blouse was open because she was wearing a wire (a recording device).

    Angel calms down, but has obviously made things worse.

Q. What is it actually in real life?

    A. A motel.

Q. Where can I find it in real life?

    A. This is the Beach Inn Motel, at 823 E3rd St, in downtown Long BeachCA.

    It's at the northwest corner of 3rd & Alamitos Ave.

    That's literally across the street from the moving van rental place, and just one block north of the bar where Angel got into a fight.

    It's also fairly close to the park where they found the woman's head, the suicide house, the botanica, the Fuente brothers' apartment house, and the church they used as Rita's funeral parlor.

    And, of course, it's not far from the Shoreline Village area, where they have filmed countless scenes over the years.

    I shot the photo below in October 2010:

    Here is an aerial photo of the motel. And here is a map link.

Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was?

    A.  In previous seasons, I've usually had to hunt down the locations after viewing the episodes, using clues from the various scenes.  By the 5th season, though, I'd developed a small group of fans, spies & tipsters who kept an eye out for Dexter filming in their neighborhoods, and would let me know in advance when something was about to film there.

    Between those reports, and my own personal reconnaissance around town, by the time the first episode aired, I already knew most (but not all) of the filming locations, and only needed to watch the episodes and match up the scenes with the correct locations.

    This group of helpful fans includes Kerry, Rick, Joel, Geoff, Ellen, Julie, Susan, Jeff, and others. My thanks to all of them.

    This particular tip came from Rick, who let me know they were filming at the motel. So I went down and shot a photo of the motel, then naturally recognized it when it showed up on the episode.(Thanks, Rick!)

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The Dexter screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © Showtime.
All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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