location: Hobie Beach |
Q. Where can I find it in real life? A. This is actually Long Beach (no big surprise there). But this particular section of the Long Beach coast is known as Alamitos Beach -- probably because of Alamitos Avenue, which marks the area's west edge. (Alamitos Avenue is what Shoreline Drive is called north of Ocean Blvd.) It's on the far east edge of the Shoreline Marina and its long parking lot - where the marina/lot ends and the beach begins. If
you're familiar with the landmark Villa Riviera (at Shoreline
Drive & Ocean Blvd), it's the beach just below that building. You can also see Viktor's apartment tower (the International Tower) in the background. (There's an interesting bit of Dexter trivia regarding the real Hobie beach: Way back in the third episode of the very first season of Dexter - when they were still really filming in Miami - they shot a funeral scene on the actual Hobie Beach.)
I shot the photo below in 2012, looking up, northwest, from the beach.
Here is an aerial
photo of the location. Here is a Google StreetView. And here is a map link.
Q. How the heck did you figure out where it was? A. Visible
in the background of this shot are two Long Beach landmarks. One
is the International Tower, which played the role of Viktor's apartment tower
this season. The other is the Villa Riviera, which is across the
street. So it was obvious where the scene was shot. And this isn't the first time they filmed here. They shot the birthday party scene here that ended the 5th season. And earlier, in the 3rd season, they shot the scene of Miguel Prado's beach fiesta, and of Dexter & Miguel sitting on the beach. I've been here on several occasions to shoot photos of the beach, including the one above.
Dexter screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements
are trademarks of and © Showtime.
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