By Episode - By Category - By Geographical Location - Clickable Map of All Dexter Locations - Establishing Shots

Q. What are "establishing shots"?

    A. They are (mostly) aerial photos of places in the real Miami, which the producers drop into the show (usually at the start of a new scene) to help create the illusion that the show is filmed in Miami.

    Although quite a few of the scenes in the early first season were actually shot in Miami, most of the show (since the 6th episode) has been filmed in Southern California. And after the first season, they gave up on Miami entirely, and moved all production to L.A. But they still use these aerial "establishing shots" to help set the Miami mood.

    Below is a list of many of these establishing shots, listed in the order in which they appear on the Episode Index page, with descriptions of what the camera is showing us in these scenes, and links to Live Local aerial photo-maps of the actual locations.

  • Click on the links below to see aerial photos of the establishing shot locations.

    By Episode - By Category - By Geographical Location - Clickable Map of All Dexter Locations - Establishing Shots

    The "Dexter" screenshots from the show and all related characters & elements are trademarks of and © Showtime
    All other photos & text are Copyright © 1999-2024-Gary Wayne and may not be used without written permission.

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